Willow Wood; Chapter Three

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  **~ Author's Note:  Hey, I'm looking for someone who can make a good cover for this book. I am not pleased the one I have up currently. So if you can help me please contact me.     ....Haha, that sounds so professional! Wow :D lol, well, on to the chapter;

     Willow Wood

                    CHAPTER THREE

I felt the heat of their stares on me as we walked in the party, it made me uncomfortable but that’s what I get for being the new girl. Briar took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

“Can you believe how many people were staring at us? We must look good!” She drew out the last word and struck a pose. I chuckled and grabbed a coke from the fridge. I hadn’t looked at it that way but her the-glass-is-half-full attitude is nice.

“Get me a beer, will ya?”


I put our drinks on the counter and poured them into plastic cups. Then took a sip of mine and handed her hers.


Just then a few girls and two boys came in.

“Rose! You didn’t tell us the new family was here! Or that you were even coming tonight!”  one of the girls yelled at her.

One of the boys added; “Ya, you could have told us you were bringing a hot girl with you!”

I blushed. “Hey I am hot too!” She slapped his arm.

 “Ewww, I can’t even think of you that way! You’re like my sister!” A look too quick to catch passed across her face, but the facial expression on the girl hanging on the guys arm was defiantly victorious.

Great, just great, another mystery to solve! I was starting to feel like Nancy Drew!

“Sorry guys, I forgot to tell you! I was way too tired last night, and we’ve been working on our outfits all day today!”

They nodded. “Okay”, said a girl with petite, impish feature. “We forgive you, if… you introduce us!” She pointed at me.

“Fare enough, okay so guys, this is Willow.”

“Hi Willow!” they yelled together, they were odd, but I like them.

“Willow, this is Brook,” she pointed to the girl with the short curly blonde hair. “Jasmine and Juniper, they are twins,” they both had the most beautiful dark skin I had ever seen. “Echo,” she was really tall for a girl, and had long fingers to match. “And Pearl, who is the last of the girls to introduce.” Her eyes were a cool kaleidoscope of color, and she was the one who spoke earlier.

“Now on to these two boys; Bracken,” The boy with the short black hair stepped forward and took my hand in his and kissed it. “And “- I would have sworn her voice went soft- “Luz.” The boy who that girl had been gloating over earlier, nodded at me.

“Oh, and I almost forgot; Summer. She’s Luz’s…friend.” She sounded as if ‘friend’ tasted bitter in her mouth. Hmm… it seems my new friend isn’t as carefree as she looked.

“Hello guys, nice to meet you all.” I said politely.

We heard the music change too ‘Thriller’ and they all cheered. “We love this song!” they squealed, then ran out of the kitchen. I followed, having nothing better to do. The living room had been turned into one full-sized dance floor, and everyone was ether on it or sitting on a coach chatting.

I was going to sit when I saw a guy with player written all over him coming towards me. I changed my path and shoved my way to the center of the dance floor. I didn’t feel like being falsely complimented right now. Especially if it was just to get in my pants.

Willow WoodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя