The Isle of Avalon

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The woods were silent as Ector rode down a path that came to a great lake. The journey from the castle was uneventful, much to his surprise. He dismounted, feeling the gravelly river bed shuffle underneath his feet. The body of water in front of him was covered in a vast mist that blocked his view. A lot of mist in this country, he thought to himself. No wonder people would get lost and killed in these places.

Taking off his gloves, he scooped up some water into his hand. Before he drank, he turned both ways to see if there was anything around him. The water was clean and fresh, almost sweet as he drank it.

"We're you expecting company?" came a voice from the mist.

Ector replied while looking for the voice’s source, "I was taught to see if there were any animals around, flavoring the water, before you take a drink."

"Do not fear my child, the water here is pure and fresh, and no animal would dare defile that."

"It is good to know the Lady of the Lake takes such care for that."

"Now then, what makes you think that I'm the Lady of the Lake?"

Ector made a quick glance both sides to survey his surroundings. "Call it hunch."

"Hmm, you're teacher taught you well. Your father had a harder time figuring out who I was."

"Let's say I had a learning curve in my favor this time around."

"So you have, son of Arthur Pendragon." A woman came from the mist hovering over the water. She was clad in a white elegant gown, none of it touching the water. "But tell me, why is that you have come here?"

Ector replied with uncertainty, "I don't know."

"Really? I would have thought that the true heir of Excalibur and Camelot would want both at his disposal."

Ector was silent for a moment. "As much as I loved to feel the sword of my father, to see it shine in the light of the sun, to see men kneel at the sight of this blade of destiny. I cannot rightfully claim it."

The Lady was somewhat perplexed. "May I ask why?"

"I cannot explain this reasoning, almost as if it is something that I myself do not understand....But want I earn and attain the sword, to do it by my own merits. Not by what my father did before me. While I should strive to continue his legacy, it should be by my own skills and the respect that my citizens for me that I have should earned the blade from my own actions. And without that, the sword losses its legacy, its value, its very essence."

"A very honest answer," Lady gestured Ector to follow her, "Come I something to show you."

Ector stared at the Lady with great doubt, "Umm, I don't think I can do that, I can’t exactly walk on water."

"Do not worry, you will not fall. Come."

At first Ector hesitantly took a step onto the lake. He felt himself lift up over the water sloshing under him. Whoa! just weird.

Reaching the other side of the lake, Ector saw a massive isle, evergreen along most of the land, save for the pebbled beach that ran along the edge of the water. Buildings that size of castles littered the landscape, yet the isle showed no signs of lack of space to run and survey. "Where are we?" asked the boy.

"This? This is Avalon, home to the gods of man and beast, to those whom have yet to be worshiped, and....Ector? Ector! Pay attention!"

Ector was still gazing at the whole scene before him as he noticed the Lady glaring back at him. "Oh,sorry."

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