Chapter 16

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A week later I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and fighting the hunger. The baby wanted a burger and fries at this hour. When people talk about cravings I thought it was just you wanted it 'a lot' but no this shit was all encompassing, mouth drooling, stomach aching and gurgling for a bite of a burger. Ohhh and a huge coke with lots of ice I could crack with my teeth.

There was no fighting it, the burger place opposite would have to give me a fix! It may be a kebab house but it's burgers were the bomb and I needed one right now.

I was already half way across the street in my PJ's as I reasoned with myself that this was insane.

"Hey Kirk can I have a massive burger with everything, and fries, and onion rings, and coleslaw and..."

"This baby is really over the sickness hey," Kirk joked as it was my third this week.

"Yeah, I think it is the meat," I said drooling at the meat hitting the grill.

"Does he want lamb Shish too?"

"Now you've mentioned it he does," I replied drooling at the thought. I was literally hopping up and down waiting. I looked out of the window and saw Dean's car pull up outside my mum's club. I stared as he got out and walked towards the door, my heart jumping at the sight of him. He stopped, stood still and turned around walking back to his car. He was leaving.

"DEAN!" I yelled jumping up and down banging on the windows as he pulled off. I ran out waving like a windmill chasing him down the road. He didn't see me. I hung my head and walked back to the shop. I was just about to walk in when I heard the engine purr. I turned and it was him. He pulled back up at the club.

"DEAN! I yelled again.

A huge whistle behind me almost blew my ear drums.

"Kirk, that was a ships horn not a whistle," I said as Dean looked over.

"Got his attention didn't it," he said as I waved like a moron and beckoned him over.

"I'm getting some chips!" I yelled across to him as stuck my belly out trying to look 9 months gone.

He smiled and came to join me. I ran to hug him, god I missed him so much and the hug back told me it was mutual.

"What are you doing here?" I asked smiling up at him. "Not that I am complaining."

"I was driving home from work and found myself here," he said shrugging.

"This is no way near your work," I said confused.

"I know but here am I," he looked as puzzled as I was.

"Well that is a bonus then," I said as Kirk called me for my food.

"Yummy," I said before realising I hadn't paid and had forgot my money.

"Here," Dean said handing over a twenty.

"You must be Dean the sexy, handsome father with the big...," Kirk said earning a glare from me.

"Yeah that would be me," Dean said smiling at me for getting caught out bragging about his hot ass.

"Congratulations," Kirk said offering his hand in a blokey way. Dean shook it proudly as I thought 'Come on I'm hungry' and tried not to scream it!

"We are going in the back way," I said as we walked back over the road.

"So does that mean your mother doesn't know you are out?" he teased.

"I didn't know I was out until I was ordering a burger. Thanks god for daddy Warbucks or I would have been walking over here to get my purse."

I opened the back and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

"What did you get?" Dean asked as I sat on the bed totally focused on the food.

"A kebab, burger, chips, coleslaw, drink and stuff."

"All for you?" he seemed shocked.

"Yep," I said proudly.

"No," he replied.

I frowned.

"I want some," he said pouting.

"No, I want a bit of everything," I said worried I was missing out.

"We can share."

"Noooo, you don't share. Remember the egg incident?"

"Look at the size of that burger, no way are you eating that without me!"

"Fine," I said storming off to the kitchen for plates, glasses and a knife.

"Wow this looks great!" he said having unwrapped it all whilst I was gone.

He took his shoes off and got comfy whilst I shared it out. Looking at the two over filled plates I realised how greedy this baby was and how big my arse was going to grow.

"Can I put this on?" he asked holding up a film.

"Yeah I ordered a few to help me through the boredom." I had in fact brought everything on sale on amazon, etc.

"Bloody hell," he said rummaging through the bag. "Awww this one. I want this one on!"

I confessed to ordering him so clothes online as I bored. He was straight into my wardrobe pulling them out. It was only sweats, tshirts, socks and things but he loved them and stripped out of his work things to try them on and do his street dancing for me. I couldn't believe he could breakdance. There he was my own 'Step up' sexy bastard... Channing you have competition!

We sat stuffing our faces, watching movies and generally enjoying each others company. My mum had spotted his car and popped her head around the door to ask for the car keys. She wanted to move it around back. He let her but only because he was too tired to move and it was the best bit of the film. That is when I knew he was staying the night or possibly the weekend. My mum gave me a wink and I smiled so wide my cheeks broke!

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