Chapter 3

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I was woke up by a knock on my door, I looked at the clock it was 9:47pm who is knocking on my door this late? With a sigh I got up and walked over to the door. I pulled it open to see Peter standing there I jumped a bit and smiled, he's late. Peter hugged me tight, my eyes went wide. Ummmm he's hugging me? W-what?!

"a-are you okay?" I asked hugging back slowly

Peter just stayed quiet then the I felt tears wet my shoulder. I hugged Peter more and pulled him into the house with me closing the door with my foot, when u pulled away Peter had tears running down his face, my heart sank at the sight.

"Peter please tell me what happened" I asked quietly his heart throbbing

"it's my parents..." He said just Above a whisper

"what happened?"

"they split up.."

My heart just broke, oh god no..this is so bad I can't believe this...poor Peter.

"Oh no, i'm so there anything I can do to help?"

Peter looked down and sniffed, I put my arms around him and hugged him tight, not even a moment later He hugged me back just as tight if not tighter.

"I'm sorry I got here so much w-was going on.."

"No no it's fine just, tell me everything i'm here" I said softly to him

"because my parents were In a fight and I got pulled into it..they never fight..n-never"

"what why would they fight now?" I felt bad for asking but I needed to know so I could help

"because my parents think different and I was getting ready to head to your place and they stopped me, wanting to know where I was going, w-when I told them I was going over to see a friend they asked who and I said you, my father got pissed off because he thought that...I don't know what he thought..but he got so angry and tired to hit me..he was able to slap me before me mother stepped in telling him to stop, be he kept trying to hurt me, and my mum got in the way and he slapped her..a-and she screamed and they started to fight..they..they said they should get a divorce...and-and i ran here.."

My eyes went wide, I had so many questions, my chest hurt for some reason, it was tight and I wanted to cry, but I'm not sure why.

"I'm so sorry..."

Peter shook his head and looked at the clock, my mind was still ravening with questions but I could not bring myself to ask then at the time he was upset enough I didn't want to do more damage.

"is it okay if I crash here? I r-really don't wanna go home.."

"yeah, we have a guest room you can stay in it's at the top of the stairs to the right" I said softly to him

Peter nodded and stood up from the hug wiping his eyes, I got up and followed him to the stairs before watching him go up, I went to make some tea to clam us both down a little but, i'm sure he could use that. I knocked on the door lightly but no answer I knocked a bit louder, but still not answer. I pushed it open with my back and saw that Peter was asleep in the chair by the window. I walked over I set his cup down on the table and grabbed a blanket put it over him I walked over and clicked off the light whispering a soft 'goodnight' before I closed the door and walked over to my room, once there I closed the door a bit and went over to my bed, grabbed my iPod out of my pocket and unlocked it. I set my alarm for 7:25 in the morning once I did that I locked it and set my tea down I plugged it into the charger and took a few sips of my tea, I laid down and soon fell asleep worried but happy that pater was asleep.

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