Twelve ~ Victim

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Along with Stiles, Brianna headed back to the Stilinski house to get a change of clothes. While Brianna was in the bathroom getting changed out of grey off the shoulder shirt and black skinny jeans, she could hear Stiles mentally preparing himself for the task he had.

A weak smile grew on her lips as she looked into the bathroom mirror. She decided that she wasn't going to waste anytime doing makeup or her hair. Instead she just threw on a black cocktail dress with a loose white see through crop top over it. She decided against wearing heels if she was going to be up against the Kanima at some point and chose a pair of her black flats. Not choosing converse was so hard for her.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom she was met by Stiles leaning against the wall, looking at his phone. When he looked at her his mouth dropped slightly as he looked the blonde up and down. "I knew I shouldn't have worn the white shirt. It's too much." Brianna sighed.

"No, no ... you look amazing." He said in awe. "You really do, Bri."

Brianna tried to hide her giddiness with a smile. "Thank you." She replied sincerely.

The moment was ruined by Stiles' text tone blaring. With an a annoyed sigh he glanced down before announcing that they had to go pick Scott up. Both of them jogged downstairs and out of the house as quickly as they could.

"Hey. Can't talk, got to run." Stiles exclaimed as the they passed his dad. Suddenly Stiles stopped his jog to the jeep which made Brianna stop too. "Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's wrong?" Stiles asked his dad.


Stiles glanced between his dad's face and his waist area. "Where's your gun?"

"I left it at the station along with my badge."

"What?" Stiles questioned in shock.

Brianna felt as if this should probably be discussed privately so she began to edge towards the jeep. That was until Stiles's hand grabbed her own and she was pulled back to his side. Brianna looked at Stiles to see, just like his dad, he was really upset. She knew that as long as he was like that Brianna wouldn't leave his side.

"It's all right." His father replied, clearly exhausted or sad or, most likely, both. "You know what? We'll talk about this later."


Mister Stilinski tried to wake the situation away with a flick of his hand. "Don't worry about it."

"Dad!" Stiles urged.

There was a moments silence before mister Stilinski sighed in defeat, "It was decided that the son of a police chief stealing police property and having a restraining order filed against him by one of the town's most respected attorneys did not reflect well on the county."

Brianna used her spare hand to run around her mouth. This was her fault as well. Words couldn't describe how awful she felt about the situation. If maybe things were handled a little differently this might not have happened. Brianna couldn't help but feel as guilty as both she and Stiles looked.

"They fired you?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"Nah." His dad lied. "Look, it's- it's just a leave of absence. It's- it's temporary."

"Did they say it was temporary or-"

"Actually, no." The sheriff cut Stiles off. "You know, I- it's fine. Don't worry about it though. Hey. We're going to be fine."

"Dad." Stiles called to his father who spun around from walking away. Brianna slowly began to rub Stiles' hand soothingly. "I don't get it. Why- why aren't you angry at me ... at us?"

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