Eleven ~ Confident

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Brianna sat some food down on sheriff Stilinski's desk before checking her phone. A text from Scott explaining that he was trying to buy tickets for the rave made her more hopeful that she won't be dying soon. After placing her phone down she grimaced at the burger Stiles had insisted she should buy.

"Oh, what the hell is this?" Stiles's dad asked after taking a bite out of his own burger.

"A veggie burger." Brianna replied with raised eyebrows that told him she didn't like it either.

Sheriff looked at his son, "Stiles, I asked for a hamburger and I'm pretty sure Brianna did too." He nodded in her direction and she have Stiles a 'told you so' look.

"Well, veggie is healthier. We," the boy pointed to the three people in the room. "Are being healthy."

Sheriff looked at what Stiles would call 'healthy fries' but we're actually veggie sticks. "Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?" The elder man exclaimed.

"I'm trying to extend your life, okay?" Stiles replied as he turned to Brianna with pleading eyes. "Could you just eat it, please? Set a good example for my dad."

"He's not a child, Stiles." Brianna laughed but exaggerated her action of taking a bite of the veggie burger.

"Okay, tell us what you found." The hypo boy clapped.

"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with two teenagers."

"Is that it on the board behind you?" Brianna questioned, gesturing with her head.

"Don't look at that." Sheriff Stilinski ordered, mostly to his son.

"Ay-" Stiles said he began to move around. He seemed to be doing a weird sort of dance in hope to see the crucial evidence. His dad seemed to be mirroring the strange dance. Brianna on the other hand was munching on a carrot stick as she stared at the board. She spotted pictures of victims, arrows, string, possible suspects, and all the other usual things.

"Avert your eyes." The sheriff bellowed.

"Okay." His son sat down but continued to look just like Brianna was doing.

"Hey!" The sheriff yelled after a moment, finally realising they were still looking.

"Just- it's just- I see arrows pointing at pictures." Stiles stated, starting the dance off with his father again. Brianna laughed with a slight sigh at the Stilinski families behaviour. After so many years of living in Beacon Hills she never understood were Stiles got his behaviour from but at that moment she realised it was from his dad. Except sheriff Stilinski would never admit it even though he loved his son.

"Okay, okay, stop. Fine." The sheriff sighed, placing up his hands as the two boys took a seat. "I found something. Mechanic and the couple who were murdered. They all had something in common." He said, leaning closer to us.

"All three?" Brianna questioned.

"Yeah. You know what I always say, Stiles. One's an incident. Two's coincidence."

"Three's a pattern." The son finished.

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife- all the same age. All twenty four."

"Wait, what about Mr. Lahey? I mean, Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty four." Brianna asked, taking another carrot stick. Out of all the awful healthy things Stiles had made her order the carrot sticks were the only decent things.

"Which made me think that either, a, Lahey's murder wasn't connected or, b, the ages were a coincidence, until I found this, which would be, c. Did you know that Isaac Lahey had an older brother named Camden?" The sheriff handed the two teenagers a maroon folder and they peered into it. Stiles seemed to be fixed on the giant red letters that was plastered onto the sheet but Brianna was transfixed on something else.

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