I Never Expected...

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I never expected it.

I never expected him to go first.

I never expected it to be so soon

I never expected to the Ministry to write me

Saying that my younger brother had ended up killing himself.

I never expected taking the child.

I never expected taking her into my home.

I never expected providing for her

And struggleing to give her the love she needs.

I never expected her fall in love.

I never expected it to be Draco.

I never expected her letting him push her around like she's useless,

Where the only thing I can do is stand there and let it happen.

I never expected her to be so fragile.

I never expected being caring and gentle.

I never expected comforting her while she's crying

Over one of the frequent nightmares that haunt her.

And most importantly,

I never expected the joy that I get from her.

I never expected that I would love her as if she were my own Daughter.

And I never expected that I would have trouble showing her this.

~Severus Snape

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