Eleanor's Lament

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I listened to him,

Did just what he said,

Hopeing that some day I'd be rewarded with his love,

His respect,

I wished I could call him "Duddy"

With his arms around me,

Protecting me,

Securing me,

Assuring me.

But that never happened,

That was shown by the way he spoke my name,

The way his voice showed disgust,

"Stupid girl. Stupid girl."

Pain fell around me as it hit,

Always expecting the same thing,

But it never was quiet what I would be preparing for.

A deep red light engulfing me

Pure torcher that I never deserved.

But now none of it matters,

He's gone like the leaves from last Autumn,

Faded away,

Dust in the soil.

Even though I was sad that I could not call him Duddy,

It depresses me further that I have no other choice now

But to call him Dead.

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