Weird Jokes

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20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hop and Steve Jobs, now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs. PLEASE don't let Kevin Bacon die.




Teacher: Anybody who thinks they're stupid please stand up.

*Nobody stands up*

Teacher: Oh I'm sure there are some stupid students here. 

*Little Johnny stands up*

Teacher: Oh Johnny you think your stupid?

Little Johnny: No I just feel bad your standing alone.




Everybody keeps teasing me about being so dam lazy, I can't take it anymore I think I'm going to kill myself. But the gun's so far.



.Homework Excuses----

Last night I got temporary amnesia and forgot.

My mom ate it.

Satan told me not to do it

My dog did it but in his language.




A Sunday school teacher is worried her students might be a little confused about Jesus so she asks, "Where is Jesus today?" Steve answered "He's in Heaven." Mary answered "He's in my heart." Little Johnny raised his hand and blurted out "He's in my bathroom!" The startled teacher asked Johnny how he knew that and Johnny replied,  "Every morning my dad bangs on the bathroom door and yells JESUS CHRIST ARE YOU STILL IN THERE?!?!"

I got all of these from @rukeeya123

THE TEN THOUSAND STUPID THINGS!!!!! (JK)Where stories live. Discover now