Chapter 2

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Wait for Mated Love

Bite me a Lullaby

A beeping of an alarm clock from outside my door awakes me. It serves as a warning. It was telling me that it was coming. The clock gave me a five minuet warning before it came.

He is the reason I am here, he is the reason I am probably hundreds and thousands of miles away from my family, he is the reason I hate vampires. He has done all of this yet I still wait for him to come back to me.

As expected five minutes later the wooded door opened revealing the same sight I see every day. A nasty looking vampire, but I don't just see one a day I see two, sometimes even three. I'm sure I'm going to get vampire STDs from them biting me some day if I don't have one already.

Most of the time when they come its simple. They just bite me, get their fill then leave, and I'm okay with that, well as okay as I can be, what I don't like is the frisky ones. The ones that once they sink their teeth in wanna cop a feel as well. Those guys are pushing it when they do that. They already get all the blood they want. They don't need to go around touching all over people. I don't like being touched. Its as simple that.

As always I stand up from my place on the bed, and bow to the vampire. Yes they make us 'humans' bow to the vampires before we speak. It's just one of the many stupid rules they have here.

"Where would you like me?" I ask the vampire. "Just lie back on the bed, and let me do what I came here for" he replies with a grunt of annoyance. Sorry I asked geez.

I slowly climb back into the bed not ready at all for what's about to happen, and lay down as I was told but before I can even lay down all the way the vampire comes straddles my waist then grabs my hands and yanks them above my head.

There is only one word to describe what's going to happen and that word is none. No word will ever be able to describe the pain I go through when they bite me, the violation I feel when the touch me, and the shame I feel when I let them, and those stupid pills they gave me don't do anything to help. All I could do was sit back and think of how I got here.

*Flashback 10 years ago*

"Kai" I called out in pure happiness. "Clarissa" he called back with just as much happiness as I called his name. I chased Kai around in circles in between random trees in the dense woods around us. Us both well knowing that I would never catch him unless he let me, but I never gave up. Kai had always been extremely fast he would even run in marathons, but that didn't stop me from trying. I chased Kai until my legs wobbled, and stopped to catch my breath, but Kai didn't even notice. Kai kept running. I took a deep breath, and chased after him calling his name. "Kai! Come back!" I yelled, but he couldn't hear me. He was already to far a head. My legs felt like jelly, and I feared if I kept running I would pass out form exhaustion . I stopped running, and sat on my bum, and watched the yellow shirt Kai was wearing turn into a speak and the completely leave from run out of my sight behind the trees. "KAI!" I called out into the woods one last time feeling defeated and alone.

The sun was setting and the birds chirped in their homes watching the scene play out in front of them with wide eyes. "Have you lost your friend little girl?" a voice called out from somewhere in the woods. The birds flew off from their homes at the sound of his voice. "I'm not little. I'm fun size plus I'm 7!" I called back. The voice let out an amused chuckle.

If focused I could see a dark figure leaning by a tree. "Hey mister, can you help me find my friend?" I asked. "Nope. I got something better." he told me. What could be better than Kai? He's my best friend. "I'll make a deal with you." he said "Well stop talking about it, and tell me what it is." I said tired from all his gibberish talking I had a friend to find "Very well." The shadowed figure stepped out of the safety of the trees, and into the light.

He was breath taking. He had light brown hair that was cut short, with the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen anywhere. He wore a striped blue shirt with a black leather jacket, fitted black jeans, and a pair of all black Converse. "You can have anything in the world and live forever with me if you-" he paused like he was thinking over it but it didn't matter what he said next because if I agreed that meant I could have a pony, and a huge play house! I could invite Kai over and he could pretend to be the knight and I could be the princess. I'd be the coolest kid in the entire second grade!

"If you work in my father's factory then be turned the day of your eighteenth birthday." It was stupid of me not to ask what he meant, but being 7 I didn't hesitate to answer "Yes!" which must have pleased him because he grabbed me into a hug. Then grabbed his phone, and put it out in front of us.


*end of flash back*

I was snapped back into reality when the monster opened his vile mouth reviling his crooked yellow teeth, and lowered his fangs to my neck. I scream out in pain when his fangs sunk into my neck, and he lets me. Around here you could scream all you want, and no one would come to your rescue or even care that you were screaming. That's just how it works, and there's nothing I or any other person around here can do.

The vampire worked his hands up, and down my sides dragging his long fingernails, and tearing the blue shirt I was wearing. Leaving me to scream, and bang my fist against his wide back. My shirt was torn, and he was touching bear skin. His hands griped tightly at my waist pulling me impossibly closer to him. He pulled away from that side of my neck and started kissing down the other. Soon he pulls away from my neck, and got off my bed. I guess he had got his fix. "You tasted good. I might have to come back later." he said while licking off some off the blood that was smeared on his lips.

As soon as the door shuts I curl myself into a ball, and start crying. Feeling sorry for myself I started to sing a lullaby my mother would sing me to sleep.

"Crying wont ease your pain when the big bad wolf is here,

when he bring his friends along,

don't you hide. Be strong.

Just wipe your tears away, and the wolf will go

today. "

Soon after I drifted into a quiet slumber.

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