Chapter Six

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"Okay, Hope. Just start the fire, we're gonna see how hot you can burn."

Hope nodded hesitantly, then held a fireball in her hand, even with her face.

"Okay, now make it hotter." Reed told her, voice crackling through the speakers. Everyone was behind glass in an office overlooking the lab in case it got too hot in the room. Hope complied, concentrating on making the fireball in her hand brighter. Because of that, it slowly grew bigger and bigger, until there was seemingly a wall of fire in front of her. She continued, fire enwrapping the fire chamber's interior. At first, she flinched back from the flames, but found they didn't hurt her. With a smile of exhilaration, she let it burn and burn, entire body encased in flames. 

"Should we tell her to back it off?" Reed asked, and Johnny laughed, "Sound familiar? This is so sick!"

"No, let her see where it goes. Remember, she's just as curious as we are." Bruce said, eyes narrowed as he watched.

Hope continued, the fire around her almost becoming white hot. She felt a gentle pressing off towards the back of her mind, and her eyes snapped open as she realized it was Xavier trying to get in while she was distracted. Furious, she shoved him out, seeing an annoyed look spread across his face up in the viewing room. With this burst of anger, the flames exploded around her, hotter and bigger than she had ever seen herself produce. 

"Hope, back off!" Reed yelled suddenly, seeing the sudden spike in temperature. Just like that, the flames were gone, leaving Hope in the middle of the fire chamber again. Her suit looked a little singed around the ankles and wrists, but was still in one piece. She glared up at the viewing room, shoving her way straight into Xavier's mind with so much force he cringed.

Xavier. Charles. I said no. So stop. Everyone was oblivious to what was happened, discussing the events with each other.

He nodded silently, and Hope stepped out of the fire chamber, withdrawing from his mind. He watched her, now wary. She had more power than he thought. He'd have to try different methods to get the information he needed to help understand her and her past.

"What's next Reed?" She called up, and he placed his finger on the button to speak with her. 

"We're gonna do water. I guess just show us what you can do."

She smirked. "The bay is right by here, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Why don't we go there?" Hope asked, already walking towards her t-shirt that was laying on the ground. She threw it over the suit as everyone met by the elevators, heading out to the beach that lay just a few minutes drive from the Baxter Building. Everyone stood on the shore, Reed with his notepad and Johnny staying well away from the water. Hope dug her feet into the sand, relishing in the feeling of the earth beneath her feet and not steel and concrete.

"Okay…here goes!" Hope said, turning to the water. She closed both eyes, raising her hands so her palms were facing the water. Slowly, it began churning, starting what looked like a whirlpool in the water. It grew in diameter until it was about twenty yards wide, then shot into the air, creating a waterspout that towered nearly as high as the buildings they had driven past. The waterspout continued turning, Hope's face clenched as she tried to focus.

Finally, she let it drop, creating waves that reached up to where they were on the beach. Breathless, she turned and smiled at them. "How'd I do?"

"Almost as impressive as your party trick!" Tony shouted, nudging Reed, who frowned at him.

"I don't like this power as much." Johnny muttered, and Logan snorted. 

"Why, afraid she'll put out that fire in your pants?"

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