Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man

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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man

A/N: Thank you DMac for coming through for me! DJIMcIntosh was one of the first people I ever followed, and one of my earliest followers. He's been incredibly supportive, and his stories always make me laugh! When I told him I needed a chapter for this week he replied a few hours later with the following gem "^_^"


What is it that keeps me at my computer, in my cold basement on a Saturday afternoon? Is it a few laughs with friends on Facebook? A new story idea on Wattpad? Maybe an interesting article, or some internet research into an area of interest?

No, none of these. But if you guessed bills, you get the prize. Me, not so much. But these things have to be done, and for some reason they have to be done in what I laughingly think of as my "spare time". The concept of spare time has been seriously warped over the years. I would much rather be in the fresh air, feel the sun, read a book. Somehow that's no longer my lot in life.

Let's see: Credit card statements reconciled to the credit card slips, online bills reconciled to bank statement, chequebook reconciled. Just a few cheques to be written and, miracle of miracles, there appears to be money left in the bank to pay them. Which usually means I've made a mistake somewhere. I'll need to go back and double-check from the beginning. But first perhaps a cup of tea. I took one last look at the screen, hoping something obvious would jump out at me, but it didn't. Turning to the basement stairs I...

"WHAT THE...!" I quickly edited my response as I threw myself back in my chair, because standing directly behind me was a tiny woman dressed like a Victorian Granny. Now even my own Granny was from the 1920s Flapper era, so where this woman came from or where she belonged I had no idea.

And when I say tiny, I mean tiny. Even seated, I was still a head taller than her. She looked completely harmless, but I had no idea what she was doing in my basement. She offered no explanation but simply stood there, smiling as if waiting for me.

"Can I help you?" I suggested.

"Oh, no thank you dear," she replied. "I'm fine."

This conversation was not going well. "Are you a friend of Brenda's?" My wife has a number of friends who are older than us, although I thought I knew them all. And I would have thought I would remember if she'd ever described this woman. But if this wasn't the explanation then I was running out of ideas.

"No, I'm not," she replied. "Although I would love to meet her some time. I'm sure she's lovely."

Okay. As suggested above, I was out of ideas.

"Excuse me if I'm being forgetful, but I don't recall that we've ever met," I said.

"Oh we have!" the woman said excitedly. "But you were so young. Just a baby, not even one day old."

This was too weird.

"Well, it's nice of you to visit," I said. Then, feeling it was time for more direct questions I asked, "Who exactly are you?"

"I'm your Fairy Godmother," she told me without any hint that she felt this would be questioned.

And I was not about to question it, because I could tell immediately that it was true. If you have ever met your Fairy Godmother you will understand what I'm talking about. There is a change in the air, in the light, in the nature of the world that tells you, magic is real and this woman is magic. I knew instantly that this tiny woman was my Fairy Godmother.

I stared in awe for a long time. She simply stood there and smiled, waiting for me.

"Why are you here?" I finally asked.

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