Final Battle: Part 3

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A/N: No time for notes! We're in the middle of the...

Final Battle: Part 3
by Lori Ellis

It's time! Open the portal! This world will now feel Kyron's wrath!

* * *

The wall between worlds had fallen. It was nothing that any ordinary person could see, although Dan and Caroline could both perceive the black hole that had ripped open outside of the school, and the black tendrils extending out from it, reaching out and attacking the minds of anyone they touched.

"He's coming!" shouted Dan with manic glee. "Kyron is coming!"

"Who?" asked one of the creative writing students.

"Kyron is your lord and master!" Dan shouted. "All bow down before Kyron!" he said, forcing the student to her knees through the power of his mind.

Dan was about to instruct all the students in their new role of eternal servitude, when a strange thing happened. A most unusual woman floated in through the hole in the wall, held aloft by an umbrella. She was tastefully dressed, although a bit old-fashioned in her wool skirt and jacket, button-up boots, and black straw hat covered in daisies. She landed softly in the opening and waited. Just for a bit of added weirdness, a duck flew in through the hole and landed beside her.

"Who are you?" Dan asked.

"My name is Maggie," the mysterious woman announced in a proper London accent. "Maggie Poppins, but you may call me simply Maggie."

"Well Simply Maggie," said Dan. "You should know that I've learned to Never Trust a Duck! And we're a little busy here, so you can just shove off!"

Maggie looked sternly at Dan. "You may think that Kyron is all fun and games, but I assure you he is not," she told him. "He is monstrously evil, however he is not invulnerable! You see, I know his secret. To defeat him, all you have to do is..."

It was unfortunate that at this moment, the vortex created by the enormous pressure difference between worlds struck the school. Maggie, who was standing precariously on broken brickwork in a hole in the wall while holding an open umbrella, was sucked out of the school and thrown into the sky. Thus, another potential solution to the problems at Twin Oaks was foiled.

* * *

Trisha burst through the wall of the school, entering through the smoke and flames of an Akagiyama missile. There were no students in sight. By this point, someone had decided to impose a lockdown and so all students were in the classrooms. Possibly not the best idea as the school fell down around them. As it happened, the only person in the hallway was the Principal, Mr. Lawrence.

"What's going on here?" asked Mr. Lawrence. "Why aren't you in your classroom?"

Trisha wasted no time in grabbing his arm and tossing him down the corridor. As he rolled, his floor-length leather jacket remained a floor-length leather jacket, and his sunglasses remained sunglasses. When he came to a stop and stood he was...

"Mr. Fishburne!" cried out Trisha. "I mean, Mr. Lawrence. You really are Principal Lawrence!"

"Who were you expecting, Samuel L. Jackson?" the principal replied calmly in a voice that resonated like a velvet-covered hammer. He took a good look at her. "You've just earned yourself a detention, for violating the school dress code!"

The front door to the school squeaked at that moment, and Trisha turned to see Lori Ellis making her escape. Lori started to run, and Trisha flew after her, chasing her down with a barrage of Akagiyama missiles.

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