07 | moment

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m o m e n t

It was one week to Christmas, the tree gleaming with silver tinsel, music playing softly in the background. My parents were out at a company tea party, and having not too much of a social life myself, I had remained at home, preparing myself for the next kissing lesson.

At about five minutes past eight, there came a knock on the door. My hands felt surprisingly clammy as I turned the doorknob. Declan was standing on the porch, his cheeks red from the cold, blistering wind, a blue scarf wound snugly round his neck and his curls in their usual mess.

"Hey, El," He greeted, stepping forward and winding his arms around my waist. He pulled me into a warm hug before I could say anything, and for a while, I relaxed under his touch, sank into his embrace. But then he pulled away, and thrust a silver-coloured box into my hands. "Merry Christmas, babe."

I was rather taken aback as I closed the door behind him. "But I didn't get you a present."

His lips quirked up into a brief smile. "Don't worry about it. I just wanted to get you one. Open it."

He followed me into the living room, and once I was seated on the couch, I carefully lifted the lid off the box. Inside lay a pendant attached to a black string necklace.

Only it wasn't any pendant – the pendant was in the shape of a cherry, the crimson stud gleaming under the dim lighting. And there was a hastily-scribbled note attached to the gift, which read:

To: The best kisser in the world 

From: Her favourite protégé

I laughed at the candid note, yet something in me tugged at the sincerity of the gift. Unthinkingly, I pushed myself up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his cheek. "Thank you," I murmured, wondering what it was about the stillness of the moment that made it so lovely, like a tableau, far too picture-perfect. "How much did you spend on it, really?"

"That's not really important," He replied in a noncommittal tone as he clasped the necklace around my neck swiftly. "What matters is that you like it."

"Well, 'like' is an understatement," I informed him seriously, as I set the present down on the table and took his scarf and coat from him. "I love it."

He grinned and sat down. "Well, I aim to please. So what's our next lesson going to be about?"

"Don't you want anything to eat or drink?"

He waved me off. "No, I'm good," He replied, but then his gaze turned hopeful. "Unless you have gingerbread cookies."

Laughing, I shook my head and disappeared into the kitchen. Gingerbread cookies were a must every Christmas, and I mentally thanked my mother for whipping up three batches of cookies to last us the entire of Christmas season. Because with Declan in the house, there was no knowing how quickly he could consume them all.

Bringing out the plate of cookies, I set the plate down in front of Declan, and then sat down next to him. Naturally, he began to attack the cookies as if he hadn't seen food in days.

"Our next lesson is about capturing the perfect moment to kiss. Say you're on a date with this girl you really like. When would be the right time to kiss her?"

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