"Science Partners"

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You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.

- Johnny Deep


I led Paige through my hall, we by passed the long brown cabinet filled with my mothers china and one picture of me and my brother. We were both silent and the clicking of the clock could be heard echoing through the hall, we began walking up the white stairs and towards my room. I sighed walking down the long empty halls.

No one was home no one was ever home. My mom was more then likely at work doing what ever she could not to come home and my dad was on another 'business trip' I sighed. We entered into my room I swung the door open forcefully heading towards my desk that was centred in the far corner of the room. I turned back to see Paige closing the door gently the click of the door filled my ears as I watched her carefully. She turned and caught me staring she smiled awkwardly I pointed to the desk idiotically she nodded and began walking over slowly, I walked past her and out of the room into Arons room I grabbed the brown chair that sat neatly beside his desk and began walking back to Paige with the chair in my hand. As I re-entered I saw her sitting there playing with her hands her legs crossed I smiled. I accidentally smacked the chair off the door she jumped in surprise and turned to look at me she smiled weakly. Then suddenly her sweet laughed filled the empty room as I attempted to close the door almost dropping the chair in the proses. I laughed too, a genuine laugh that I hadn't done in a while.

I made my way towards her and placed the chair down beside her. She bit her lip looking down once more at her fingers. I grabbed my books from my bag and placed them with a bang on the table.

"What do we do?" I questioned she looked at me a second then scrambled at loads of sheets

"We need to get information from here and write up the experiment plan" she stated a confused expression on her face as she stared at the paper. I nodded in 'oh' how on earth were we to do that? Ugh I hate science. None the less we got on with our work, we didn't talk just silence. Not like those awkward silences it was comfortable least for me it was, Paige was fidgety pulling at her jumper sleeves ever so often, I sighed.

"Let's take a break, this is killing me" I stated dropping my pen, Paige looked at me a second and then softly and slowly she place her pen on her page. She nodded at me, I stood up and gestured for her to follow which she did. I led her through my house towards the kitchen. I took a glance back at her, she looked in awe at the interior of my house.

"Your house is amazing" she gasped

"It's alright, I guess" I shrugged pushing the door to the kitchen open. Like the rest of the house it was black marble, sparkling clean. A big breakfast bar sat in the centre of the kitchen, pots and pans hung over it, a fruit bowl placed in the middle. I sighed moving towards the kettle and flipping it on, Paige took a seat at the bar as I stood next to the kettle. She looked around the kitchen a she shifted awkwardly on the seat. I turned to the cupboard and took out two bowls and some cereal I placed them in front of Paige and she stared at me wide eyed, she took a glance at the food as if it was poison then suddenly her stomach growled making her cheeks flush a red colour. I smiled.

I got the milk and took the seat next to her, I took a bowl and filled it then passed the cereal to Paige. With shaken hands she grabbed the box and poured a small amount in the bowl. I sighed and grabbed the box and bowl from her grip, pouring a justified amount of cereal and milk in the bowl I handed it back with a spoon, she looked at me with shock then suddenly she laughed. My eyes flew wide as I stared at her laughing un-controllably. I couldn't help but laugh along side her, suddenly the silent house was full with un-controllable laughter.

She looked at me with haunted eyes and smiled some giggles still escaping her pale lips, I returned the smile as we both began eating. Unlike me who shovelled the food down my throat, Paige ate slowly and perfectly, she swirled the food around in the bowl before taking the spoon to her lips, I tried not to stare at her gentle nature as her hands were still shaking. I sighed.

"It's not as hard as I thought it would be" I stated she looked at me with eyebrows raise some milk dribbling down her lip, I laughed.

"The sciences, it's not as hard as I thought I would be" she nodded in 'oh' and whipped the milk away with the back of her hand.

"No it's not, its basically just coping but changing some words" she laughed slightly making me smile.

"Exactly" i smiled "so do you like science?" I asked idiotically why was I stuck for words with her? she shrugged

"Not really it bores me how about you?" She looked at me smiling but from the tone of her voice I think she knew the answer

"Hate it" I answered standing up and putting my stuff in the sink. She laughed to herself and stood up following me to the sink and putting her bowl in with my things, her fingers gently brushed my arm, she instantly jumped back as a shot of electricity raced up my arm making my stomach flutter. Flutter? what? I'm Lewis Carter I don't get flutters in my stomach. NOPE. It doesn't happen, must have eaten to quick. I broke out of my train of thought to see that I was staring intently at Paige, her pale cheeks flushed a slight red and her eyes fell to the ground awkwardly, I coughed setting the kitchen a light and easing my stomach. With out a word I headed for the door that opened moments before I could reach it, I smiled at Aron as he entered the kitchen with the same dodgy smile I usually had.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he smiled excitedly trapping me in a hug, we he pulled back he ran is hand through his hair and then his eyes lit up and my heart sunk. He noticed Paige. He peeked around my body at Paige. "Well, Well, Well who do we have here?" he asked walking around me and slipping an arm around Paige's shoulder, her cheeks flushed a deep red as she looked to the ground. Her hair fell protectively over her face and she did nothing to move it. Aron removed his arms from her shoulders. "I'm Aron, this guys handsome older brother" he winked making her giggle, my jaw tightened as I stared hard at the side of Aron's head Paige noticed and stared at me with a confused expression. Aron coughed loudly as Paige and I stared at each other as if having a conversation in our mind. "Oh wait so your like a 'friend' of Lewis' I see" he winked at her making her eyebrows raise

"What? no she's just my science partner" I stated bitterly, Paige pressed her lips together and nodded, Aron nodded in 'Oh' and sent another wink Paige's way god I could punch him right now.

"I'm Paige by the way, don't think I mentioned that" she said with chirpy voice a smile hitting her perfect lips. She blinked her eyes at the ground and then looked up to meet Arons gaze, he stepped forward and placed a soft kiss on Paiges pale hand, I felt my insides turned.

"Okay well we have a science project to do, Bye Aron" I stated grabbing Paige gently by the shoulders and pushing her out the door, I turned around to see Aron watching us with his eyes, he smiled slyly and winked at me before mouthing 'just science partners yeah?' I headed up the stairs with Paige close behind me.

"Your brothers nice" she said simply as I held my bed room door open for her

"Yeah he's alright" I laughed with a shrugged

"He's a lot like you, like looks wise and with his player nature" she giggled

"Hey I'm not a player" she raised her eye brows at my comment and I couldn't help but smile "Okay maybe a little"

"How about a lot" she laughed opening her science copy once more and begining on her work

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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