Second guessing

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Why try your hardest fit in when you where born to stand out?


I sneezed my whole body jumped forward, a few people turned to look who causes such a loud noise but once they caught a glimpse of me they turned away with disappoint they clearly wanted someone to make a joke out of. Colton wrapped his muscular arms around my shoulder pulling me into a head lock, he ruffled my hair and I grunted in irritation.

"You dick" I hissed a satisfied smile spread across his pale face. "Some times I hate you" I stated fixing my hair in the nearest picture hanging on the wall. I turned swiftly shooting him a glare. He rolled his eyes and smacked me hard on the shoulder, my body jolted forward. 'ouch' I thought standing up straight.

"Lets go to lunch I'm starved" Colton announced loudly

"When are you not" I winked, he looked at me with a raised eye brow

"Getting cocky aye Carter?" He mocked

"Learning from the best" I laughed with a smirk playing on my lips. We drew closer to the canteen, I moved ahead of Colton and placed my hand on the silver handle. I turned to face him "Henry's a great teacher" I winked before heading inside. I heard Colton huff behind me

"Jackass" he whispered in my ear making me laugh. the canteen was pack with students. It was half the size of the football field with white tables all around, there were windows just below the ceiling all around the canteen giving so much light. Already I was feeling warm, I pulled at the collar of my t-shirt letting the cold air hit my body. Colton began walking towards our table or better known as the 'popular table' I followed smiling as I noticed Annie sitting there. I slid into the seat beside her as she played with her food using the plastic fork they provided her with.

"Not hungry?" I laughed, she looked up at me a smiled shyly

"Didn't realise you were there and nope" she said taking a mouthful of her salad "was just thinking"

"About me I hope" I winked making her blush

"You wish Carter" I placed my hand to my heart and gasped

"Ouch" I said pretending to wipe away a fake tear, Annie's giggles echoed around the room.

"Sorry Lewis" she said with a sigh "can't get everything you want" she winked

"Who says I want you?" I said with raise eyebrows, a smirk playing on my lips. She turned to look at me her red lips forming a sly smile, her glittering eyes locking with mine, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and moved her lips to my ear.

"Doesn't everyone?" she whispered before turning back to her lunch, I smile to myself.

"Cocky" I cocked my head to the side and popped a grape in my mouth a formal laugh escaped her lips. She turned and smiled at me her eyes peering into mine I couldn't help but smile back. This girl was exactly like me but yeno a female. We stared into each others eyes a moment I popped another grape in my mouth as she bit her lip.

"Sexual tension" Colton said loud enough for the whole table to hear. I rolled my eyes at him and turned away from Annie.

"So your lab partners with Paige Summers" Holly said beside Colton I nodded was I the only one who didn't know who she was?

"Who's she?" Colton questioned

"No one important" Annie growled

"Ah she seems nice" I admitted

"That's what you think, she's one of those" Holly said bitterly

"Those?" Colton asked confused

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