Chapter 2

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(Picture of Noah)

Scar's P.O.V

"Scar, wake up, honey" my dad whispered, shaking me lightly as if he was trying not to break me. "Good morning, dad" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes. "I made breakfast come down after your ready, alright?" I nodded and got up as he left, shutting my door quietly behind him. I went into the bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth.

I came back into my room and got dressed. I put on Jack Wills Bilbrook shorts, a Batman muscle tee, red toms and my pandora bracelet my mother had owned before she passed away from a heart attack. I blinked back the tears that were filling my eyes and put my hair into a bun, then tied my red bandana around my head. I put on my makeup and got my bag running down the stairs into the kitchen.

My father, grandfather and my triplet brothers who were a year older than me were seated around the table. I kissed the top of my grandfather's head before sitting down beside him. My father served me a plate of pancakes. I poured alot of syrup over it before cutting off a piece and shoving it in my mouth.

"Excited for school?" my grandfather asked me.

"Mhm" I said, with a mouth full of pancakes in my mouth.

"Chew your food, before you speak" My dad said, hiding a small smile.

"You look like a freaking pig" Said my brother, Ricky, recieving high- fives from my other two brothers Connor and Trevor.

I rolled my eyes before checking the time on my iPhone. 8:45. I jumped up from my seat and put my plate in the sink. I kissed my dad on the cheek before heading out the door yelling a "Bye". As if on cue my best friend Harry drove his car onto my driveway. I hopped into the passenger seat.

"Looking good babe" said my other best friend, Chris, winking at me.

Chris was 5 foot 7. He played on the football team and loved to play the clairnet. He was funny and sarcastic. He was also gay and truly,madly,deeply in love with Harry. Harry didn't seem to notice though. Harry, on the other hand was 5 "11", captain of the football team, a player, and had girls all over him. Chris couldn't stand the sight of him flirting with other girls and kissing other girls but he pretended like he didnt care.

"Excited for the first day?" I asked the both of them.

"Of course, can't wait to see the new hot chicks and their tans" Harry said grinning.

Me and Chris both rolled our eyes. He was such a player. I turned around in my seat and raised my eyebrow at Chris, asking him for an answer.

"I'm excited! The band gets to go to Canada's Wonderland at the end of the year!" He informed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Seriously?!" I asked, shocked."I hope I make it this year"  I played the flute in the band. I was pretty good. I got into band the last two years and hoped to make it this year too.

Harry parked his car in the school parking lot and all three of us got out. As soon as Harry walked across the parking lot he was mobbed by a bunch of fake looking girls. I turned towards Chris who has a pained look in his eye. I took Chris's hand and led him out of the awful sight. We headed out to the field and sat under an oak tree. We were early for once.

I took out my phone, and logged onto quotev. There was a notification! I got excited this being my first notification and all. The notification, notified me that someone had wrote me a comment. I read the comment from Broken_.

"Hey there, thanks for liking my book :)"

My heart raced as I clicked on his icon. He was fucking gorgeous. I bit my lip memorzing his beautiful face. I read his profile. He was the same age as me! And he cut too.

"No problem, I could relate to every word that was in the poem! Hope you write more :)"  I sent it with shaking hands.

I browsed around until I found that I had recieved another notification.

"I will write more soon, Your gorgeous by the way ;) " he sent back, increasing my heart rate.

The most gorgeous guy though that I WAS GORGEOUS!

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