Chapter Ten

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Edward leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his neck. The grandfather clock, nestled in an alcove between shelves, ticked away. He found he could not focus lately. He was weary and his mind wanted to wander. I should take Catherine to London. The season is still in swing. Generally he did not like the city, with its thick polluted air and the press of people on all sides. However, he kept having this nagging feeling that he should leave Thornwood Abbey for a while, leave the farms' maintenance to his estate manager, Mr. Wolfe. We could journey to Wales, or the seaside. Wouldn't it be a marvel to ride on the train?

The study door flew open and Edward nearly toppled out of his chair in surprise. Mr. Hobbs was red faced and panting. He leaned heavily on the door frame.

Edward rushed over to the elderly butler. He could not imagine what would incite the man to burst in on him like that. Edward said, "Hobbs, what is it, man?"

Mr. Hobbs shook his head. He took a deep breath and said, "Lady Thornton... collapsed."

Edward waited not a moment longer and ran out into the foyer. Mr. Thorn, his gardener, was holding Catherine in his arms. She was limp as a doll, her dark hair streaming behind her, having come loose from the braid she was wearing. Her skin looked paler than usual to the point it was near translucent. Her skirt was stained with grass and dirt.

"Mr. Thorn, what has happened here?" He looked up at the taller man.

"She was out by the south woods, taking her walk, when she started to scream. She fell over and began thrashing about. I ran over to her, but by the time I reached her, she had lost consciousness," he said with a level head that should be commended.

How could I have let this happen? I should have called Dr. Rowan the last time she had a fit. I'm a fool.

"Where should I take her, my lord?" the gardener asked.

Edward shook himself to clear his thoughts. "Follow me upstairs. We should lay her down in her bed."

Mr. Thorn hurried up the stairs after him. Edward kicked open Catherine's bedroom door and then threw back the blankets on her bed. Mr. Thorn lowered her down gently and arranged her hands on her chest. He took a step back as Edward covered her up to the chin. She was breathing, but it hardly lifted the coverlet. He dared not leave her side, lest she wake and ask for him, but he needed to call for the doctor. Mr. Thorn had not made his exit, and Edward turned to face him.

"Thank you for bringing her in. I owe you a debt, Mr. Thorn."

"It is my honor to be of service to you, Guardian of the Thorns." Mr. Thorn bowed. Edward puzzled over his phrasing when Mr. Thorn added, "Shall I call for Dr. Rowan?"

"Yes, thank you." He dismissed the gardener with a wave and turned his focus back upon Catherine. He reached for her hand and pressed it between his own. He stood vigil over her, watching for any sign of her stirring. Her sleep was peaceful. She seemed so small in the large bed with cream covers and large bedposts looming on all sides. He wanted to climb in bed and hold her so he could feel her heart beating. It was a selfish notion; if she was in a fragile condition, that might do more hurt than help.

I do not know what I would do without you, darling; you are my heart. We have had such a brief time together. Please wake up and tell me that you are well. Catherine's eyes fluttered and then opened. Edward exhaled a sigh of relief.

She looked around the room in a daze. Her eyes were unfocused and her fingers trembled in his. She rolled her head to the side, and when she saw Edward, a half smile pulled at her delicate lips.

Heart of Thorns - Nicolette AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now