Chapter 1: What just happened?

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If I had been blessed with a wider vocabulary, I would have given you a better word. But what comes out is all I got. Oh, right! Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself and forgive me if I'm not one of the greatest storyteller.

My first name is Rei and my last name is not important. Seriously, it isn't so don't bug me about it because I won't tell. I'm a tall man for my age, 6 ft to my 18 years of age. Don't believe me? Bite me. Next, blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. Sound like an anime character? Hahaha. Anyway, I'm in my senior year in high school and a fact that you must know about me is that I am the school's star basketball player. I have retired because  I'm in the middle of preparing for exams, which I don't need to do since I got a basketball scholarship but, hey, whatever, right. So let me go on and tell you my story.

Currently, I'm here in my seat in a classroom with my immature classmates. I have my friends gathered around me talking about girls and boobs. I've long left that conversation as I've no problem in getting partners for myself. Arrogant, aren't I? Well, I've got proof to back up my stunning good looks with both girls and boys staring at me in the room. May it be left or right, all I see are boring pairs of eyes trying to catch my attention. 

Hey, I'm not a douchebag. Of course, I get confessed to and unlike what my so-called friends tell me to do, I reject them in the nicest way. My friends tell me to enjoy what I have. But I don't enjoy losing precious minutes during lunch to listen some girl or guy confess their undying love to me. I also don't enjoy saying things I don't mean to people I don't know. Like, when someone confesses and I have to say things like 'I only see you as a friend' when I have never even known they existed. Cruel? Not really. Sure they need courage to confess but for me, I need more than that to reject them without sounding like a dick.


Oh, there goes the bell. Time to go home and pack my stuff. 

I get up and gather my stuff before waving goodbye to my friends. Walking out the door, I hear girls and guys hurrying to pack up and as they do, I feel a lot of eyes staring at my retreating back. What a pain! 

As I walk home, I pass by Lion Park. It's not a zoo, by the way. It's just a park I always pass by when going home.

Oh, and there's something you should know as well about my era. Homo couples, be it guys or girls, can have children. Yep, they can bear kids. How? I don't know. It's just a defect in human genetics that has evolved over the years. So, yehey for us. What? Didn't know I was bisexual? Surprise, surprise.

My head hurts.

I sit down on one of the park's bench to relax. Lately, I've been finding life way too easy. There's no excitement, no thrill, no ANYTHING. Get my drift? 

I sigh as I tilt my head to the orange sky. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. And then another and another. Then, my eyes open to the darkest pools of black. I jolted up and looked at the face of my intruder of personal space.  Pale skin with no sharp male features. Pink lips, black hair with side fringes reaching his shoulders and fine eyebrows. If not for the clothes, I'd have guessed 'he' was a 'she'. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you." He said to me with a concerned face. His face showing lines of worry. Let me tell you, it didn't suit him. A smile would have made his face 'prettier'.

"I just saw you there not moving and my body just moved on its own. Are you all right?"

"Yeah." I answered dumbly. Oh, shit. Wake up, me!

"That's good." He said as he slowly lifted a side of his lips indicating the beginning of a smile before it disappeared altogether. 

"Well, I gotta go." He took one final look at me and walked away. All the while leaving me in a stupid daze with my heart beating wildly. 

What just happened?

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