Chapter 1

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It was a typical mid July day at Camp Green Lake. The sweat covered delinquents dug, just like they did everyday, underneath a blazing sun. It was about seven in the morning, meaning the sun had only just finished rising. Nonetheless, it still scorched the campers.

A silver-white pickup truck drove up to the area in which they were working, a huge dirt cloud trailing behind it. It had a tank on the back of it, filled with cold water. The boys all paused from digging, picked up their canteens made out of heavy plastic and headed to the truck. D-tent was always the first group to have their canteens refilled. A young girl stepped out of the truck and slammed the door. She had dark brown hair that came just past her ribs in length and green eyes that sparkled whenever you said her name. She was wearing a red checkered shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, dark denim jeans that were tucked neatly into her musty brown cowboy boots and a cream coloured cowboy hat on her head that was accessorised with a feather on the buckle at the front. The hat matched her father's.

Moaning and groaning, the campers lined up at the side of the truck, the one who called himself X-ray at the front. A new kid had been sent to Camp Green Lake just yesterday. He stood right at the back, behind a small half cast boy whom the others called Zero. The boys all greeted the girl simultaneously, trying their best to hide their tiredness when they spoke as to not sound disappointed.

"Good morning, Miss Ashley."

They knew not to be rude to Miss Ashley. She was a counsellor at the camp, as well as Mr. Sir's daughter. Everyone was afraid of Mr. Sir, especially since he quit smoking.
Miss Ashley said hello to each of the boys as she filled their canteens. A boy who had been nicknamed 'Squid', nodded and smiled when he took his canteen back, feeling their hands touch. Miss Ashley had smiled back. She had a sweet, honest smile, unlike her father, who merely grimaced if he even smiled at the campers at all. Eventually, the new boy's turn came to get some fresh water. Miss Ashley gently took the plastic container from him.

"You must be Stanley," she said in a friendly tone. "Nice to meet you. You can call me Miss Ashley."

"Hi, Miss Ashley," Stanley said. "Uh, I thought there were only boys at this camp?"

Miss Ashley nodded, acknowledging his assumption. She was about to answer him, but Squid explained for her: "Miss Ashley's a counsellor. You don't wanna get on her bad side. She's Mr. Sir's daughter."

Stanley sighed, having already met grumpy old Mr. Sir. "Oh."

Miss Ashley laughed. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Just because my daddy's got a bad temper, doesn't mean I have." She turned to the rest of D-tent. "I hope ya'll are helping him settle in."

They all groaned. "Yes, Miss Ashley."

"Good. I'll see ya'll later."

She got back in the truck and skidded as she drove off, leaving another dirt cloud.

"Man, she's a babe!" Squid said, watching the truck before it disappeared into the distance as he walked back to his hole. His tent mates sneered.

Some hours later back at the camp compound, Miss Ashley was sat in her father's office. It was a small cabin with a desk in the middle of the floor, as well as a small fridge, cabinets where all the campers' state files were kept and an uncomfortable wooden chair that Mr. Sir often made his daughter sit on while he enjoyed the softer, cozier one. Miss Ashley didn't have to address her father as 'Mr. Sir', of course, but she still had to obey his rules. He was strict with her, but only because he was very overprotective. To the campers he may have seemed like a cold, bossy old man, but he loved his daughter very much.

Mr. Sir's Daughter: The Only Girl At Camp Green Lake (Holes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now