Chapter 36: Sage

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Three and half years later

*Sage James
*24 years old

I woke up to Aubrey in my face "Yes baby" I said closing my eyes "Call daddy mommy" I sat up grabbing my phone "Where's Kj?" I asked her

"Playing with Jason" She said. I put the phone on speaker then I handed the phone to Aubrey. I sighed as the phone kept ringing. Aubrey facial expression went from happy to sad.

I grabbed the phone and ended the call "Mommy why daddy don't love us?" She asked pouting. I picked her up "He does love you and Kj. He just busy right now" I said

Aubrey laid her head on my chest as I rubbed her back. I kissed her forehead. I swear I'm going to kill Hezekiah, I swear

 I swear I'm going to kill Hezekiah, I swear

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All he do is lie, he can't even keep a promise with his children. That night when he promise that he was going to quit the game, that was just a big ass lie. I caught him in the act of cheating on me

Jason stuck by my side through that whole fiasco. J even treat the twins like they're his. He acts more of a father to them than their own father

"Is she okay?" Jason mouth to me. I nodded my head. I gently placed her down so I could get up. I kissed Kj cheek as I ran my hand through his curly hair

 I kissed Kj cheek as I ran my hand through his curly hair

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"What's wrong" Jason asked me. "I'm getting tired of Hezekiah bull shit. He always getting the twins hopes up" I said getting frustrated

Jason lifted me on the counter get in between my legs. "Baby don't let him get to you. I'm here for you and I'm also here for the twins. Don't worry about Hezekiah bitch ass" J said

I smiled looking at Jason. He is so perfect. I kissed his plump lips "I love you" I said. He smirked "Show me you love me"

I sucked on his bottom as he slipped his hand in my panties "Oh my good" I moaned in his ear. He picked me up walking into the bathroom.

He locked the door then he placed me on the counter. He ripped my lace panties. J played with my clit with the tip of his thickness. I gasped as he shoved all of him in me

"You love this dick, don't you" He said as he stroke in out of me "I love this dick" I moaned out

Minutes later Jason and I reached our climax. I wrapped my arm around his neck kissing his lips "I love you" He said placing his hand on my thighs

 I wrapped my arm around his neck kissing his lips "I love you" He said placing his hand on my thighs

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I got off the counter tossing my panties in the trash "You owe me another pair" I joked. He opened the bathroom door so I could walk out "You gotta work for it" He said biting his lip

J smacked my ass as I walked out the bathroom "You so nasty" I said. He grabbed his area "I can show you nasty"

He pulled me back into the bathroom for another round


I walked downstairs dressed and ready. "Where you going?" J asked me "I got a few appointments today" I said. He put his phone on the counter then he walked over to me

"I will have a surprise ready for you when you come home" He said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body

"I got to go" I said getting out of his grip "I love you" I yelled as I walked out the house

I eventually got my shit together and started college. In three years I finished with a degree in psychology. Those were the hardest three years but I managed to get through them with the support of Jason and Madelyn

"Hey Ms. James" My assistant said to me "Hey Jennifer" I said as I poured me a cup of coffee. I put my purse on my desk as I took a seat

"Sorry" I said to my patient as I got up. "Hezekiah I can't talked to you I'm busy right now" I whispered into the phone

"Wait" He said stopping me from hanging up "Come to my house now" He said "I can't..."

"Please" He begged cutting me off. I sighed "I'll be there in five minutes" I said

"Sorry we are going to have to reschedule" I said to my patient. I grabbed my purse then I hauled ass

I walked up to the patio seeing the door cracked "Hezekiah" I said as I walked into the house

I covered my mouth seeing Hezekiah shot laid on the ground. "Hezekiah" I said putting his head on my legs

"I've been set up Sage. The police on their way. I love you and I love my kids. Tell them I'm sorry" He stopped talking when he seen the police lights through the window

I bent down and kissed his lips "Go hide in the closet" He demanded. I gently placed his head down and ran into the closet

Tears rolled down my face as I watched the police arrest Hezekiah

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