Chapter 32: Sage

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Two Weeks Later

*Sage James
*21 years old

I sighed as I got up to attend to my babies. I've been doing everything by myself since the twins was born. Hezekiah is barely here.

He always in LA handling business with Levi. The streets are not important than your family, he needs to get that through his thick skull

I quickly took Aubrey out the room before she could wake KJ. I sat up on the bed breastfeeding Aubrey.

Twenty minutes later I was placing Aubrey in her swing. I laid back down for KJ would wake up

My eyes popped open as I heard the front door close. I laid there for about ten minutes before King finally came upstairs.

"So you can come and go as you please while I take care of our two kids" I snapped. He stood in the mirror taking his chain's off "Don't start" He said

"Nahh, Your ass going to listen. Ever since the twins been born I have been doing everything by MYSELF" I snapped once again

He turned around shoving me on the bed "Shut the fuck up. You always bitching" He yelled causing Aubrey to wake up. "Make her be quiet" He said as he walked away into the closet

I placed the pacifier back in her mouth before I picked her up. I placed Aubrey in the crib next to her brother. I quietly closed the door than I locked it

I pulled the sheet over my body as I got comfortable in the rocking chair. I'm not going to get upset over this but I got something for his ass


I woke up and fed the kids and of course they went back to sleep. I crept into the room seeing that King was still knocked out

I picked up his phone putting in the password which is the twins birthday. I went through his messages.

According to the messages, he was going to be out there in LA Monday. I put the address in my phone where he was suppose to meet the person. He started shuffling around in his sleep. I placed his phone back where it was and left the room

"I don't think you should do this" Court said as she picked up KJ from my arms. I sighed a little "I have to. I need to know what has all his attention" I said

"You following him out to LA is not going to solve anything" She said trying to talk me out of my plan "Trust me I know what I'm doing"

"I just hope you don't find out nothing that's going to hurt you" Court said. "I hope not either" I laid Aubrey down so I could change her

"When you leaving?" She asked me "Sunday night. So that means that Ima need you to watch the twins" I said "Of course I will watch my niece and nephew"

I laid on the couch buying my plane ticket. King walked in the house after being gone from this morning. He bent down kissing my lips but I didn't kiss back. Of course he reeked of weed and liquor

"What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm tired. You know taking care of two kids by yourself can be tiresome" I said watching him walk away "Shut up" He said

"Fuck you bitch" I yelled at him He quickly came down the stairs. "I'm getting tired of you disrespecting me. All the shit I done for you...."

"Get out my face" I said cutting him off. He back hand in my face. "Shut up" He said through his teeth. I moved away from him holding my face which is probably bruised now

He stared at me for a good second before he walked away. I don't know what has gotten into Hezekiah. Hopefully me going to LA, is going to bring out the truth

I walked into Court and Mark house holding the twins in their car seats. I took the twins out their car seat so Mark and Court could hold them

"You crazy for doing this" Court said rocking KJ in her arms while Mark did the same with Aubrey "I know but I need answers" I said My goodbyes then I left

I put my beats on as the plane took off.

I wanna know how we became so distant girl
The way we fell in love it was almost instant
I'm tryna find a way around it
Girl tell me how you feel about it
You still love me, that's the way it's sounding
Thank God I would have never found this, I doubt it

By the time I landed in LA it was 2:00am. Hezekiah doesn't come to 9 in the morning. I ignored Hezekiah phone call as I walked into my hotel room.

The kids and I haven't been home in two days. He just gotten way outta control and I don't want the kids around him.


I woke to my phone ringing. Seeing it was Hezekiah, I ignored it once again. I started getting dress because Hezekiah plane should be landing at moment

I walked out the hotel room exactly at 9:45. I took a driver to the address that the number sent Hezekiah a few nights ago

I put on a pair of sunglasses as I watched the house. I've literally been sitting here for a hour and no sign of Hezekiah

I got up from the bench walking towards the house. I took off my sunglasses then I knocked on the door.

The door opened,I looked up from the ground seeing Hezekiah holding a baby in his hand

"What the fuck" I snapped at him

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