Like The Back Of My Hand

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Afterschool at the running track. Judy and the other track members started on their laps. They finally got the news their track coach was here so as they wait they decided to run a couple of laps.

A familiar whistle was blown that got everyone's attention. All the members stopped and ran towards the whistle blower who was actually their coach, Mr. Sound. A twenty-eight year old cheetah.

"Hey team!" Said Coach Sound happily.

"Hello, Coach Sound!" Said the whole team. Judy was so happy to see him but her smile left as soon as she saw Nick Wilde right behind him.

"What's he doing here?!" Judy mumbled to herself.

As coach Sound told them about what happened to him, Judy felt something hit her arm. On the ground was a butterscotch candy. She turned around. Sitting on the bleachers she found was Jack along with Everly, Kevin, and Fort sitting by him.

He waved at her.

Then a thought clicked to Judy's mind. The reason why Nick is here is because it's all part of his community service!

She smirked at the idea and tuned back to the coach's story.

At the bleachers.

"I'm just saying, Savage City Citizens of Four is a long title name for a message group," said Fort.

Everly sighed. "Fine. What do you suggest we call it?"

"Uh..." Fort began to think of a couple of ideas. "The Awesome Four?"

"Sounds good," says Kevin. "Once the prisoner breaks out of jail let's ask if he's okay with the name change."

A loud whistle is blown and the three friend's attention go to the track.

The members of the track team began their running.

Nick looked at the team boredly. At least it's better than picking up garbage, Nick thinks. He hears a text come in and takes out his phone. The text was sent to him from Finnick.

Finnick: The kid ya sent is doin pretty well though gets distracted when he hears a conversation.

Nick: It's due to his business of being a young broker.

Finnick: He's good but I can tell what's he up to.

Nick: That's because you have years of experience scamming animals and finding out the goods.

Finnick: Ya bet your furry tail I do! Anyways, what time ya getting out?

Nick: After track is over, so that is around after 5 o clock. I got to help put away equipment.

Finnick: Library closes at eight. Still want me to take ya?

Nick: If you don't mind, please! I like to at least grab a new book to read before I go home.

Finnick: Alright. I'll wait for ya.

"Nick Wilde, you seem distracted. Should I confiscate your phone?" says Jack as he came walking up to Nick.

Nick just rolled his eyes.

Nick: Got to go. Jack got out of his box and is going to bother me with his constant jibber jabber.

Finnick: I'll see ya later then.

Nick put his phone away in his pocket. He looked over to Jack finding him talking to the coach.

"Hey, Wilde!" Jack yelled. "You're needed over here!"

Annoyed, Nick walked over. "What's up?"

The coach smiled. "I need you to time each runner for me." He hands Nick the clipboard with the sheet of names on them and the stop watch clipped to it.

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