An Empty Land

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At the school library.

The black fur rabbit, a grey fox, a brown bear and a lynx were waiting patiently at a table for their friend Kly, a grey wolf, who was sitting with them typing away in his laptop.

"And with this last click! The next chapter is updated!" Said Kly.

Everyone excitedly got out their cellphones to read the next chapter of Kly's online story.

At another table, Nick was with Lucas.

"You got almost half of everyone in the school in your cellphone contacts?!" Nick said surprised as he scrolled through Lukas cellphone contact list.

"It's what I use to get information. Hopefully I can get the rest of the school by the end of this week."

"Impressive," said Nick. "How would you like to work by my side?"

"Sure! I've seen what you can do and I was really intrigued. So working by your side would be an honor!"


"By the way, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

Lukas glanced at the black rabbit's direction, "What's the black rabbit's name?"

Nick didn't need to turn around to see who he meant. He knows everyone and he knows there's only one black rabbit in the school. "Her name is Everly. Why you ask?"

"Just felt like knowing."

"Alright," Nick was a bit curious why Lukas would be interested in a rabbit who is good friends with Jack Savage. He decided to worry about that later because right now he needed to tell Lukas about a plan of his. "You remember how I said I had a plan the other day?"


"Expect it before the last class ends."

Meanwhile, there was Student Council Meeting going on.

"If anyone wants to start a club students have to at least have five members and a signed form sent to student council." Said Student Council President Betty Jane, a female pig senior year student. "Next topic is about the main delinquents and punishment in our school. We have a list of the main trouble makers.

First is Duke Weaslton also known as the Duke of Bootleg whose in his Junior year, which is a miracle knowing his grades have been a rollercoaster.

Second, Allister Way. A raccoon whose known to be the best hacker and breaking any lock. Other than that he has really good grades and is a Sophomore. Staff has even informed that they put him in a few Junior year classes that in hopes it keeps him busy from his delinquent ways.

Last but not least, Nick P. Wilde. The famous fox hustler of our school. Has been getting away with almost anything by using the rules against us! Is in his Junior year for the second time as he didn't have the required credits to be a Senior last school year.

Now our Hallmonitor Jack Savage will like to request a way of punishing students like these. Jack Savage will you share with us?"

Jack nodded his head and cleared his throat.

"I would like to discuss about punishment. Giving troublemakers just warnings and detention isn't enough anymore. Especially not for those main three delinquents President Betty just mentioned. I have a better idea than just placing them in detention. If any of these students cause anymore trouble they should be required to do community service. Why community service many of you may ask? Well I've been watching these three for a while now and I realized that each need time to act their schemes. Before school, Nutrition, Lunch, and after school is all the time these students need and if we replace it with community service they won't have time for their plans. Then with this they think twice about breaking the rules!"

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