Mixing with the Wallflower

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Dedicated to Mayella28M
Thank you for an amazing five years and for being an amazing writer. You've inspired this book based on a conversation we had, no prizes for guessing who the wallflower or the social butterfly is. I really hope you enjoy reading it because you're basically the root of this new book.
Here's to another five or so years.

Everyone is different, no one can deny that.

He didn't understand the need to be the centre of everything.
She didn't see the point in hiding away from the world.

"I don't like the attention, there's a reason I don't screech my opinion for everyone to hear, I prefer to keep myself to myself"
"I'd hate to be that shy muppet in the back, it would be too boring. I'm a lively and wild person; I like to be social with everyone"

There was no way to understand how the other person felt. You couldn't judge them from the side-lines; you were just a spectator to their life, but what happens when you're forced to live within the lines of the other person?

What happens when you switch bodies with your polar opposite?

The social butterfly landed on the invisible wallflower.

I'll tell you one thing.

It wasn't the usual cliché; in fact it wasn't cliché at all, there was no falling for each other.

It was messy, awkward, tiring and just plain crazy.

But I promise you, it was the best thing to have ever happened to either of them.

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