Prologue of the Wallflower

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Assumption: a thought or idea usually provoked by ones knowledge on a particular topic. Usually accepted as the truth or likely to happen without having accumulated valid proof or evidence.

Warning: not all assumptions are correct, but they are all dangerous.

Caution: be careful what you assume and who's a victim of your assumption.

A common assumption made by the majority of the teenage population:
If you're quiet, you're clueless about your surroundings and if you're outspoken, you're the only one who's aware of what's going on.

The error in this assumption:
It's all crap.

You see, just because a person is more opinionated and outgoing compared to a person who prefers to stay more reserved and understated, doesn't make them anymore aware of situations than the next man. That's the harsh truth. The sad part, only a handful of people know this, the rest, all go on their daily lives believing this "philosophy".

The handful of people are usually the victims of this common assumption.

How do they know this?
They're the ones that although go unnoticed, have a tendency to notice everything around them.

They noticed when the golden couple were on the verge of disaster before he cheated on her.
They noticed when the school's quarterback was facing stress with his academics before the grades were posted.
They even noticed when the school's 'delinquent' had a GPA high enough for valedictorian.

They just didn't tell anyone.

Because these people didn't need to tell anyone, they knew people would eventually find out, so why bother to release this information to the world sooner, if they weren't ready to handle it.

Sad, isn't it?

Well guess what, it's about to get tragic.

How do I know all of this, because I'm a part of that handful.
See it as me being a victim of that assumption.

I'm one of those reserved people, who goes unnoticed but manages to notice everything.
Even the eccentric little details you thought you could mask.
I noticed them too.

The people I rub shoulders in the hallways with don't know my name.
The people on a wider scale know me as the boy who won't speak.
The people I share my oxygen with, just think I'm shy.
These are all factors which come together to form one single title.


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