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Marin was back running to the bus stop but she wasn't late this time. She was eager to see Ely. She didn't know why but she felt a sense of joy when they talked.

Marin could see Ely waving to her from the bus stop as her heart started beating faster.

'Aren't you early?' Ely teased.

'Ha..ha...' Marin rolled her eyes.

She took her seat beside Ely as they engaged into their familiar chat.

'How's Erin?' Ely asked,referring to Marin's monster sister.

'Horrendous. She stole my phone and pranced around the house prank calling every single one of my contacts even the pizza guy.' Marin buried her face in her hands with a dramatic groan.

Ely burst into laughter and kept laughing despite Marin's annoyed frown.

'Sorry but man,your sister sounds like the spawn of Satan.' Ely snorted.

'Tell me about it. I can't believe we're even related.' Marin sighed.

'Have you heard that The Valkyries movie is coming out?' Ely grinned.

'Oh yes! I've heard that it was made after the popular new York's bestseller book,The Valkyries!' Marin squealed. *Author's Note:I wish. the only people who read my books are tumbleweeds and microscopic bacteria. B-But I don't mean you of course! Beautiful reader! Hehe...I suck*

'Yeah. Its a pretty good book.*self praise* but I don't really get it. *self insult* I mean,its pretty cliché.*smacks Ely on the head*' Ely shrugged.

'Well I like it.' Marin said as she blew a raspberry to Ely.

'Wow...real mature Marin.' Ely rolled his eyes.

'Anyways,I can't believe I need to babysit Erin for her birthday party!' Marin complained.

'Eek. Good luck,I dressed up as a magical unicorn for my cousin's birthday,nearly got batted to death as they thought I was a human piñata.' Ely shuddered at the memory.

'Hey! Why don't you help me?' Marin suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

'What? No! Those little monsters would kill me!' Ely protested.

'Pleasee.....I will do anything.' Marin said as she gave Ely her puppy eyes.

'Well....sigh..fine but on one condition.' Ely said confidently.

'You go out with me on one date.'

Marin looked bewildered.

'And no. I don't mean the date-date. I mean the date-that-is-not-a-date.' Ely explained.

'Well..I guess its fine.' Marin reluctantly agreed.

'Deal.' Ely smiled as Marin's bus came.

'I'll see you on Sunday then' Marin waved as she boarded to see Ely winking and going back to his book.

The bus drove off,leaving the bus stop in a cloud of smoke.

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