Letter to Grayson - Lucky

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#Saray Wow, I worked really hard on this letter.

Dedicated to Farah because she's so flawless xoxo btw hai I'm Jesus


Hey Grayson,

You asked me to go get coffee together.

And a billion thoughts flashed all at once. My English assignment is due tomorrow. There's a History and Math test this week, which both I haven't started studying yet. And I'd suffer the wrath of Mom when I get home.

But I didn't care. I said yes.

You have that freedom. It's in your blue eyes; they glisten the way somebody's would when they've done everything their hearts have desired and still live for the day they do it again.

I want that for myself - I've always had - so here I was, sprinting alongside with you on the rugged pavement that ground against the soles of my converse, as I laughed hysterically for no apparent reason at all other than the sheer exhilaration to run, and run forever.

By the time we reached Tim Horton's, we were both panting like crazy. You had asthma, so I was a little worried if you needed the puffer or something. But just as the thought popped into my mind, you turned to me with a wide grin that reached ear to ear.

It must have felt triumphant to you to not only live with the breathing problems, but conquer them.

I know that I will be never be rewarded with triumph. Cowards like me don't deserve a single ounce of it.



"What drink do you want?" You asked as you fumble through your pockets for change.

"Oh." I opened my mouth to protest. "It's fine. I can pay for -"

"Please." You rolled your eyes. "A couple of dollars isn't going to make me broke. Besides, I asked you to Tim's, so reasonably I should be the one who pays."

I smiled and you did too.

"So, what'd you like?"

"Just tea."

"Tea?" You asked. "We're at a café, not some Chinese tea place."

"I like tea. Don't judge."

You laughed - a quick breath through your nose. You ordered a medium iced mocha without cream and a medium black tea. We sat by a window.

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