Chapter 7

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Small note in the beginning:
I'm a huge idiot and have been spelling Terrel-Ernestine as Terrel-Edelstein, which isn't correct.

So I fixed it and won't fuck it up again


Matthew's POV:

I question, pulling my out my phone.

'Hey Mattie, sorry about missing school and not being able to help you with our project, I was a little busy with family stuff, but I'm free now so would you like to meet somewhere to work on it?'

I sigh in relief.

'I'm so glad he's ok.'

'Yeah that would be cool, where do you want to meet?'

The answer was automatic.

'How about at the park on Warren Avenue?'

'Sounds good to me.'

'Ok see you in a few minutes.'

I stand from my desk chair, putting my phone in my pocket. I walk out of my room, quietly passing Alfred's so I don't have to deal with his questions.

Papa notices me as I walk past the kitchen, where he is baking cookies. He looks up from the dough "where are you off to?" He asks "for a walk to the park, I haven't been able to get outside much recently" he believed my lie with a smile.

"Ok then, but make sure to be back before 6:30 or no cookies" he threatened, and I smile back "ok papa, I'll be back before then" I promise, walking out of the house.

As I walk down the street I hum a small tune.

'I wonder what the family stuff's probably best not to ask about it.'

The park comes in my vision and I speed up a little, excited to see and talk to Matt again. I feel a small vibration in my back pocket, so I pull out my phone.

'I'm almost there, go ahead and take one of the tables by the forest, it should be quieter over there.'

The text says, and I start walking towards the forest tree line, sitting at the first table.

'I can see how this would be quieter, but it's quite far from the rest of the park.'

I don't think much of it though.

'He doesn't really like people, so I guess that could also play a part in choosing this area,'

Since I didn't have much else to do I pull out my phone, checking my cat game.

'Yay! Gordon Cat is here!'

I smile, refilling the bowls.

I hear three sets of feet walking behind me "we finally meet Matthew Williams" a unfamiliar voice says, it sends fear down my spine.

Turning, I see three people, one with brown hair, one with blonde, and the last with red.

' that Flavio and Luciano? Aren't they in the grade above me?'

Luciano smirks at me "I'm guessing you recognize me and my brother?" I nod "oui...where's Matt?" I ask, and the red haired one gives me a smirk.

"Let me first introduce myself" they stuck out their gloved hand "my name is Terrel-Ernestine" they tell me, and I hesitatingly shake their hand.

'Something is wrong.'

They took their hand back "as for where Matt is, I'm guessing you weren't told" I give them a confused look "told what?" I ask "Matt's in the hospital" they show me a phone that I recognize as his "I'm the one that told you to be here."

Luciano's POV:
I'm not sure exactly what Terrel-E is planning to do right now, but whatever it is, something tells me that it won't be good.

They walk a bit closer to Matthew, which makes him freeze a little in his seat.

They run a hand down his face "have you heard of my name? Terrel-Ernestine?" He shakes his head "really? Think long and hard about who I could be" it takes him a moment, but once it comes to him a large wave of fear comes across his face.

"I-I've heard of run that criminal group" Terrel-E nods "I'm glad you remember" they quickly pull out and knife, putting it against Matthews neck "now I'm going to tell you things ok?" He nodded, fear filling his eyes "good boy, do you want to know why Matt is in the hospital?" Matthew paused, then hesitatingly nodded.

Matthew's POV:
'How does this person know what happened to Matt?'

They pulled the knife away from my neck "he was shot, twice" my breathing stopped for a second.


They chuckled at my silence "by me" they pulled out a gun, pointing it at me "because he thought it was a good idea to threaten me" they smirked "now it's my turn to get revenge on him" I froze in fear "I'll get my revenge through you."

The words they were saying made me want to run, run and never look back.

"Have you heard the rumors of the 'criminal family'?" I nod.

'Oh no.'

"The rumors are true Mattie" the gun was put to my forehead "Matt is a criminal" they got closer "Matt is murderer."

Oliver's POV:
Matt began to open his eyes "where the fuck am I?" He whispered, looking around, eyes landing on Allen. He started trying to get up from laying down, so I quickly got up from the chair and ran to his side "don't move Matt, Allen's ok" I assured him, and his head turned to me "Oliver? Where am I?"

I pet his head down "you're in the hospital, you've been out the past day" he quickly looked around the room "where's my phone?" He asked, sounding worried. I look over at the table where me and Francois put both of their phones, but his was gone.

"It was right there" I turned back to him "why do you need it?" I asked "Mattie" he breathed out, once again trying to get up, but I kept him down.

"Mattie's fine Matt" I tried to tell him, but he didn't seem too sure. The door opened behind me "Oliver, we didn't get here fast enough, Terrel-Ernestine was here about 5 minutes before we were, and left right as we got here" what happened reached Matt's mind "they took my phone" his eyes turned dark "that little shit took my phone!" He yelled.

Matthew's POV:
"Listen here Mattie" they whispered in my ear "Matt kills, they kill, I kill...tell anyone about this and you will be killed. So stay quiet and just do what I say...and the first thing I want you to do is tell Kiku that a little birdie says to watch your back."

This is getting quite interesting don't you think?

I don't know what else this should say


Until next chapter!


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