Chapter 3

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Matts POV:
The entire drive home I was blushing like crazy.

'He is really just too cute.'

I park the car in the driveway and lean back in my seat, looking down at the slip of paper in my hands.

'I'll text him in 30 minutes, give him time to escape his brother.'

I plan, opening the car door and stepping out to the outside world, walking up to the house door. I walk into my house and the smell of cupcakes and cigarettes hit me as soon as I open the door...and is that blood?

'You're not serious.'

"Hey Matt help us in here for a second!"

'Fuck. They fucking did it again.'

I walk into the kitchen to see my insane, in a bad way, family sitting around the kitchen watching Oliver cook cupcakes...made from another fucking human body. "You're going to get in trouble for that one day" Oliver just smiled at me "and until that day comes poppet I will continue my baking with the 'special' ingredient" he went back to mixing whatever is in that bowl.

I roll my eyes in annoyance, taking a seat next to papa, and pulling out a cigarette of my own, putting my feet on the table and leaning back as far as I could without falling.

"Matt love?" Oliver says and I look up to see him staring at me. "What?" I ask harshly, but he didn't seem affected by my tone at all perusal "may I ask why was Matthew here? Did you threaten him? Does his family know?" He giggled "I'm sure if they find out they will want to have a talk with us and I would love to see Arthur again" Allen nodded "and I can see porkchop" I rolled my eyes "Allen when you say 'see' you actually mean trying to get him in your bed, and no I didn't threaten him, we are doing a project together for writing class."

Allen looked over to Oliver "speaking of people coming over, could Luciano come over tomorrow? We have that we need to plan" I caught the dark intentions in my brothers voice, meaning that whatever 'business' they had together was not going to be anything good.

'That must have been who Allen was texting when me and Mattie walked up to the truck.'

Oliver smiled, pulling out a fourth tray of cupcakes from the oven and putting in a fifth. "Of course dear, Luciano is free to come over any time he wants" the Brit turned to me "and tell Matthew that he is also free to come over as much as he wants" he told me, a strange aura coming from him when he did but I couldn't place it. I shrugged "sure."

The next minute Allen was texting someone, most likely Luciano, again and I knew for sure something was up.

'They are planning something, I'm not sure what, but they are definitely going to do something...what could they possibly be planning?'

Allen looked up from his phone "could Flavio come over as well? Apparently he wants to be included" Oliver paused for a second "Flavio?" Allen nodded "he can come over as well, but keep him away from the rest of us, the poppet likes to try to bed us, especially Matt" I shuttered at the memory of the slutty Italian trying to get me to fuck him.

Allen nodded "I will make sure he behaves" Francois stood up from his chair, I forgot he was even here, and walked over to Oliver "do you want me to help you cut up the body?" He asked, zero emotion in his voice like always, and Oliver happily nodded "of course love! I always love when you help me bake and the secret ingredient already being cut up will cut the time it takes to bake!"

I'm not sure why Oliver calls that the 'secret ingredient', I mean that ass puts so many other things that shouldn't be in cupcakes in his awful cupcakes, usually different poisons that will kill someone in a few hours or days, maybe even minutes.

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