Chapter 13: Problem Solved

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Anzu was slow to sense the social tension, as usual, and looked up at Jukouro.

"Sensei, how do you know Kaiyo?"

He gave a slightly wolffish grin, "She was on my genin team years ago. Along with Sadao here and Benjirou-sensei too."

She turned her bright, orange eyes back on me, "I thought that you said that you hated your genin team and that they hated you. But Jukouro-sensei certainly is very nice."

I winced a little and wanted to either bash my brains out against the nearest tree or melt into a puddle on the ground and never have to deal with social interactions ever again. But instead I just forced a smile and patted Anzu on the top of her head.

"I was pretty difficult to deal with back then, and our team didn't get along too well. But that was years ago."

"Why were you so difficult to deal with then?"

Usually, I love her curious and inquisitive nature, but this was not one of those moments. "Uh, well... You see, it was shortly after- It just wasn't an easy time for anyone and no one's really to blame for that. Now why don't you go and spend some time with your new teammates, okay?"

She pouted, "You're just trying to get rid of me, aren't you?"

"Not at all. We can talk more about this later when we get home." I gave her back a little push, and she sent me one more wounded glance before running over to join her team.

Slowly, I turned around to face my old team members.

"So... how have you been?"

Yep, I'm calling it now. I'm going to run off, build a hut in the woods, become a hermit, and never deal with social interactions again. Problem solved.

Sadao looked unfazed, or maybe just disinterested, and Jukouro looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

The Inuzuka tried his hand at breaking the quiet, "How about we reach out to Benjirou-sensei and have a lunch as a team to catch up? I get it if you two are still at odds with each other- even if it has been around twenty years now- but I'm not letting your old quarrels get in the way of my team's dynamic. If you can't learn to like each other, at least pretend to be civil for your children's sakes."

After experiencing the dynamic on my team, our team, I couldn't help but agree with Jukouro.

"I'd be happy to go for Anzu's sake."

Sadao nodded, "And I'll go for Tadao as well."

Jukouro clapped his hands together, "I'll just reach out to Sensei then. What do you say to tomorrow at- Hmm, where would you two like to meet up?"

"Anything but Ichiraku's, please. I swear it's the only thing that I eat when Kakashi puts me on Naruto duty."

Kakashi has had this bright idea lately that I help Naruto with his preparations for becoming the Hokage. Something about teaching him the ins and outs of strategizing. I think that Kakashi's just trying to get Naruto out of his hair for a bit. Although, the young jinchuriki is a lot of fun when he's not whining about how much paperwork is involved.

"What about the tea house? Kaiyo has always loved dango."

I whipped around to face Sadao, and my jaw dropped as I realize two things: that I was spacing out while thinking about Kakashi and Naruto and that Sadao, Sadao, remembered my love for dango. What. The. Hell.

So I did the only thing that someone could do in my position and let out the most intelligent of utterances, "Huh?"

Jukouro smiled, revealing large canines, "Sounds perfect! What time should I tell Benjirou-sensei? Twelve?"

I managed to gather my wits a little and shake my head, "No, that will be right in the middle of the lunch time rush. How about one? It's a little late, but that should give the team plenty of time to train before hand too."

Sadoa actually smiled at me. Someone grab the prayer beads; the world was clearly coming to an end. Repent for the end is nigh!

I was done with the awkward conversation so I waved with a promise to meet up with them tomorrow for lunch and fetched Anzu before practically running home.

Yep, a hermit's life for me.

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