Chapter 8: The Hoarder

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"What do you mean all of her records were removed?"

Kakashi sighed and ran a hand down his face slowly, "It means exactly what I said. Every single file pertaining to your mother's genin team is gone. The folders that the files used to be stored in are still there, but the information contained therein is gone."

I got up and walked past Kakashi to remove my pencil from where it was lodged in the wall. "This begs the question: what happened that she's trying to hide?"

There was only one reason why someone would remove files pertaining to genin missions. Something had happened that my mother was trying desperately to hide.

An idea went off in my head like a light bulb. "Kakashi."


"So all of the official records are gone, right?"


"What about the unofficial ones?"

He blinked, "What unofficial records? The village doesn't keep any."

I smiled, "No, you're right. The village doesn't keep any unofficial records, but I know someone who does."

"Isn't that a security issue?"

"Most likely, but that's not the point. She doesn't have everything, but... I think that she may have something that could help."



"Who the hell are you talking about?"

I laughed, "Baaneko, the craziest cat lady you'd ever meet. She is the ultimate hoarder, and it is actually kind of terrifying just the amount of random crap she has stored away in her house. This includes the official pictures of almost every genin team to have graduated in the village all the way back to the time of the Second Hokage."

Kakashi paled, "That is absolutely horrifying. So she has my team's picture? Both of my teams..."

"Yep. I have no idea how she gets them, but I'm willing to bet that she has a picture of my mother's team too. I just hope that she'll be willing to help me. I haven't talked to her in a couple of years now."

"Why not?"

"Other than the fact that she's insane, she was Toukuro's grandmother, and I haven't spoken to her since his death."


"Yep. Oh is right."

A/N: I have one test left on Monday and then I'm all done with finals. And then there was much rejoicing!! Yay!

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