Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

**Caroline's POV**


I don't have legs. Simple. But what came from it is so much more..

-October 30, 2009-

"NO! DONT TOUCH ME! DONT TOUCH ME! PLEASE...," sobs erupt from my lips, tears dripping down.

My vision begins to blur away, probably from medication the doctors gave me to calm down. Or to attempt to calm me down.

My brain shoots into overdrive, trying to find some logical reason of this joke, but the more I tell myself it's a joke the less I believe it. I try to reach my hand out in the darkness but my grip clasp nothing.

Are my legs really gone?

Could they really be?

My heart cracks, this couldn't be happening to me. It can't be real.

But it is.

What will I do? What am I suppose to do?

My mind flicks back to before everything had happened, before the accident, before.. my mom.. died. And my dad, I don't know what to do with him or where he is.

Then I hits me. I will never be able to walk again, never to play soccer again, never to simply paint my toenails because there's nothing there. I'd seen soul surfer, I had seen she lost her arm. That movie made me cry, but I never actually pictured myself with out a limb... and now that I have some.. gone it makes me regret everything. I wish I'd never gotten that car, I wish I never went driving, I wish I never lost my legs, I wish I never lost my mom.

Time seemed to drift along slowly, until it all disappeared and my eyes opened once more. My eyes blink quickly, getting used to the bright light shining from above. I move to reposition myself when my hand bumps into my leg, or.. stump I guess. The small movement next to my leg erupts into a large pain, and I wince loudly.

I throw a blanket over my legs, not wanting to see another glance of it. Just as the blanket spreads itself I hear the footsteps of someone coming from the hall. The door is pushed open and there stands my father.

"DAD!" I shout excitedly, a smile on my face. If I were able to hug him I would've.

My smile fades away as soon as I recognise his facial expressions.

"You," he says, his voice coming out a horrible tone, as if he has been crying for days. "Your mother, she's.. dead," he sputters.

"I know," I frown, looking down. "I'm sorry dad, I didn't see the car coming. I should've been watching..."

"You? It was you? YOU killed my Laurie?!?" His voice fills with his disbelief. He quickly boils into anger. "I thought it was her driving, not YOU."

His words echo through my ears, the way him saying you as if I were a disgusting creature.

"It's alright dad, at least you still have me, we still have each other." I sat, trying to put a smile to his face, as well as my own, but what he said next would only change everything.

"YOU? You think I would be ok with that? Do you think I could look at the girl who killed my wife everyday? I couldn't live with that. I couldn't live with you."

"BUT DAD! I'm your daughter!" I rebuff, desperately trying to change his mind.

"And she was my wife," he says coldly, "I don't wanna see you ever again." And with that instant he turns, stomping out the door leaving me in shock.

His words hit me like bullets, and I freeze. Not able to process this, or anything.

I had just lost both of my parents.

Every inch of me boils with sadness. I should've just died in the car wreck. It would've made things so much easier. I would never have to know about anything else because I would be dead. I might still have legs, or if I didn't I wouldn't know. Why couldn't I have died?

This is all my fault, if I had just watched the road... The accident replays in my mind endlessly, only making me seep into a further land of regret and want to perish the world even more. Why didn't Neil just leave me there to die?

As if on cue Neil walks in the room followed by two others.

"Who are you?" I speak.

"I'm Kimberly, that's Reid, and Neil." blondie says.

My eyes meet Neil, and anger flicks through my body unexpectedly. "Can I talk to Neil alone please?" I ask sweetly.

"Sure," Neil nods, gesturing for the blondie and Reid to leave.

Blondie and Reid walk out the door, shutting it tightly behind them. "What's up?" Neil asks.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?"

"Why did you save me?! You should've left me to die!"

"I didn't want you to die!"

"But Why? We were strangers, I bet if you did know me you would've left me to die."

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm worthless," I say, my voice softening.

"You aren't worthless!" Neil argues.

"Yes I am!"

"Why do you think that?"

Tears start flowing down my face just returning to the previous events. "Because it's true."

"What happened? What's wrong?!" Neil shouts, jumping forward placing a hand on the side of my bed.

"My dad visited me," I manage to choke out.

"He did? When? What did he say?"

"A couple of minutes ago. He said..." I stop, unable to find the words.

"What did he do?!?"

"He said..," I take a deep breath snuffling my tears. ".. he never wants to see me again."


"Because of my mom. She died and it was my fault. You should've let me die too." I tilt my head down, my eyes landing on my bandaged up 'legs' only causing me to cry harder.

"Hey." Neil says softly, cupping my chin to make me look at him. "You deserve to live, be happy your alive."

"You don't understand, I'm homeless, he kicked me out. He never wants to see me again, and I don't have much money to stay here. What am I suppose to do now? No one cares about me."

"If no one cares about you I wouldn't be here right now, but here I am standing next to you. I care about you, I care for you and I promise you, you are not alone. I won't leave you like he did, I'll take care of you, because I CARE."




Been so long, huh?






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