Chapter 3

185 14 5

-October 29, 2009-

**Kimberly's POV*

I change position, cuddling more into the soft couch. it's very nice for a hotel couch.

This town is nice, I think it would be a good place to live but I do love Greeneville more, but hey Knoxville is good to and it's only an hour away.

I return my attention to the TV, as the show returns on a again. I lay my head down against the pillow relaxing into the couch even more. I swear I could marry this couch... well maybe not.

The phone starts ringing, I don't move, expecting Reid to get it. After a couple of rings I realise he said he was going to take a shower. I sigh, rising up from my lovely position to reach for the phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, is this Marie Perry?" asks a sweet voice.

"No, this is her daughter Kimberly. May I ask who I am speaking with?"

"Yes, This is Mindy Taylor of Memorial Hospital. We're calling you in concern of Neil Clark-," the phone drops from my hand, and just that moment is when Reid walks from the bathroom.

I grab his hand with out any questioning, dragging him with me out the door. I push him in the car jumping in the drivers seat.

"What's happening?" He asks.

"The hospital called, about Neil," I say quickly. He barely clicks his seat belt shut before I put the car in reverse, backing from the parking lot.

"You better call mom, I say to Reid frantically.

My mind wanders off to just what exactly Neil could have done. Millions of solutions come to my head but the one that haunts me is the worst.

What if he's dead?

My mind falls apart at the same very thought, a tear rolling down my cheek. I do as best as I can to banish the thought away, trying to focus on the positive, but as hard as I try all of the worst possibilities lurk.

The hospital comes into view and I take a deep breath, because what lies ahead could potentially change everything.

I pull the car into parking and I instantly notice a car pulling away the familiar car of Neil's. It's still in one piece so that's a good sign. I park quickly and Reid ad I rush out of the car, running quickly to the front door.

I push the door open, rushing into the already stocked waiting room and up to the front desk, I push my way through the people until I finally make my way to the secretary.

"Hi, we're hear to see Neil Clark Perry," Reid says.

"He's right down the hallway." she says, pointing her pen. Reid rushes down the direction and I quickly follow.

Then I hear a scream that I instantly recognise as Neil's. Reid punches a door open and my eyes float to Neil.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME SEE HER! I NEED TO SEE HER!" Neil shouts at the nurse attending him. he struggles to move and I then see he is strapped down. "Mr.Perry calm down. I've told you that she is in surgery and you can't see her." the nurse says in a very soothing voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?" Neil screams, wriggling around all over in his hospital bed.

"I'm sorry to do this to you Mr.Perry, but it's for the best," The nurse presses a button and instantly Neil's eyes roll back in his head and he launches into a deep slumber.

My mind take a minute to process everything the ruse said and Reid is the first to speak up, "what'd you do to him?" he asks.

The nurse jumps, just then noticing we were in the room.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I'm Reid, and this is Kimberly, were his siblings," he explains.

"Oh in that case, Neil here is in a state of shock. He's highly medicated at the moment as we are trying to slow down his heart rate for his own good. He came in about an hour ago, with her in his arms. She has been in a car wreck, and was badly hurt, almost dead. She would've died if it wasn't for Neil."

"Who is this girl?" Reid asks, receiving a strange look from the nurse.

"Caroline. Caroline Andrew," she says.

The name sends my mind into waves.

Caroline? Who is Caroline? why is Neil calling her his fiancée?

I look to Reid confused. "what's Caroline's condition? How is she doing?" I ask the nurse.

"The last update I got wasn't good, she was wounded pretty bad, and she'd lost 70% of her blood. The doctors are trying to find more for her, but apparently there is a shortage on her blood type she has the rare type of O-."

I look at Reid, that's my blood type and we both know it.

"Are you open for donations?" I ask.

The nurse squints at me, "your O-?"

I nod.

"Alright, if you would follow me this way...," she says, walking from the room.

I smile over at Neil, if this girl means so much to him she must be special.

And I can't just let her die.

"Sit down here for me, sweetie," the nurse says, gesturing to the chair in from of me.

I sit down, lying my arm out. Unexpectedly she sticks the needle in my arm causing me to jump, but I then relax letting her take my blood.

In a couple of minutes or so another short pain in my arm occurs as the nurse pulls her needle away. "Drink the juice and eat the cookie," she instructs.

I take a bite of the cookie, and take a sip of the juice. In a couple seconds I drown the juice pouch, and finish the tiny cookie before rising from the chair.

For a second everything looks a bit fuzzy and my legs feel like noodles but with a few steps everything returns to normal.

The nurse nods at me, walking the opposite direction of Neil's room with my blood. I go back to the Neil's room to see Reid sitting next to his bed, head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He jumps slightly, turning to look at me, "I hope that girl is okay."

"Me too," I agree.

I take a seat next to him for all that's left to do is wait.





I made up kPs blood type, I don't know what it is.


~Brooke :)

For The Best or The Worst (Neil Perry) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now