Chapter 16: Intruder

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Pacifica's POV

I jolt up from with the sound of shattered glass downstairs, "What the heck was that?" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes. I look at my night stand and the clock shows; 2:16 am.

My breathing became rapid as I realized something was definitely wrong. Really wrong.

I look down below my bed for my slippers and wear them as soon as I find them. I walk silently to the door, and reflect what I'm about to do.

And against all odds, I managed to push the door open and walk down the hallway. I hear the crunching of glass a few meters away from me, then my breathing started to get uneven.

I sense that the intruder is no longer in our residences ever since I heard a loud thud from the window, like it jumped out of it. Then I heard descending running footsteps. Until I didn't hear anything anymore. But I didn't waste no time to call the police and alarm my parents to what had just happened.

The police came in ten minutes. In that span of time I took myself to the crime scene to investigate it myself.

I found more evidences that I expected. What alarmed me most is the note that he left behind.

"Thank for this, it's very indeed useful."

I panicked.

He stole something.

> > > >

"The chalice!" I breath out, "He stole the chalice."

"How do you know he's a 'He', ma'am?" The head officer, Jack Crawford, asks as Forensics Team examine the scene. "Have you seen this man?"

"I haven't," I shook my head, "I'm sorry for bringing up false assumptions."

"Well, judging by the penmanship, it could definitely be a guy." He wasn't an officer, he may be a doctor or a psychiatrist. He had a lab coat on, and underneath it was a suit and tie.

Well, why do I think he's a doctor? The name tag that was pinned on his coat says so- Dr. Lecter.

"I think I haven't seen any female write like this, it's too scratchy and bold." He adds. Jack Crawford nods.

"No fingerprints," An agent named Scott, speaks up,

"No," The head officer asks, "There must be something,"

"None at all Jack," Agent Scott replies, "This robber has been very careful,"

"Except for this detail," Another forensics agent speaks up, according to her tag- she was Beverly Katz. She raises a piece of hair and puts in a plastic bag. "Not so careful at all." She smirks.

"Oh, there's some shoe patterns!" Agent Scott exclaims as he uses his UV light to scan the whole place.

"Excellent Scott!" Jack Crawford nods,

Mom and Dad step into the room, "Please bring back our Chalice," Mom sobs,

"You have no idea how much it cost. It was a family heir of decades old." Dad adds, which was totally unnecessary. Thanks a lot father.

"Don't worry, we'll find out whoever did this." Jack Crawford promises and nods his head.

So yeah, that happened! The game is on!

Here are some of the Agents- incase I made you guys confused.

Jack Crawford- Head Officer
Dr. Lecter - bonus points if you know him!
Beverly Katz- Forensics Agent
Scott- Forensics Agent

Next chapter tomorrow :)

Lots of Love,
Agent Trigger

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