They Say

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  • Dedicated to those who don't say, but promise

They Say

They say they'll do it

That they will do anything for me

That no matter what it will be done

They say that they'll support my decision

That they will be there for me

That both choices are fine

They say they'll never leave me

That they will always have my back

That no one will hate me

They say that they'll leave me

That they will get as far away from me as they can

That I've become a freak

They say that they'll be right

They will be the ones that brought me back to reality

That I will be "normal" once I realize my mistakes

But that's all they so

They say things

Empty promises that leave no one but me heatrbroken

They do not promise

They do not swear to it

All they do?

They say

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