9/11 Memories

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  • Dedicated to Those Who Have Stayed Strong And For Those That We Lost

To all the people who lost something in 9-11, whether it be a friend, a sister, a brother, a husband, a wife, a child... may you forever find strength to carry on and always remember to appreciate what you have in this moment. Please, take a moment to appreciate the fact that you're still alive today.


I was but three when it happened

And my mother held me in her arms

And rocked me back and forth

Saying "everything will be OK"

As we watched the towers collapse

Through the big window

Into nothing but dust

When I was 8 my mother told

Of how people died that day

Mothers, fathers

Sisters, brothers

Friends, cousins

Aunts, Uncles

Grandparents, toddlers

When I was 10

I cried on the day

when 7 years had passed

Yet the waves the destruction made

Had yet to fall back down

Into the sea

Of trouble

Now I am 13

And I fully understand

The terror

And horror

The cause

But most importantly

The loss

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