Not A Normal Day

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Quote # 2: "When life gives you lemons, squirt them in other peoples eyes, and then make lemonade." ~A.J.

Not A Normal Day

We walked down the street

Down to meet

The Ice-cream man that August day

Little did we know

What a big show

Would make our day fun

He smiled at me

Sitting under a tree

And made me want to laugh

Little did we know

That it was going to snow

And make our day fun

The big jolly man

With his skin very tan

Told me to turn around

Little did I know

What he did know

Would make our day fun

Behind me I saw

A slide with 1 ladder

That stood 50 feet tall

A mountain of snow

With skiers in tow

Made me think of fun

I ran to the thing

Heard a bell ding

And ran up the ladder to slide down

Little did I know

What a big show

Woulkd make our day fun

I laughed and played

Shouted "Hooray!"

And when it was all done sat

Looking back I would never trade that day

For any other

I had fun

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