A Price To Pay

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It was an hour after my conversation with my friends. We were home and Ginny was putting the kids down for a nap. I was staring at old baby photos. I made sure not to focus on them though. I wasn't going to let my last transport be a mistake. I thought about Ginny and the kids.
I knew they would get on without me, because if I went back and did things correctly, Ginny would have never known me, and the kids, well they wouldn't exist. I loved them with all my heart and was glad I got a taste of being a father. I wondered if going back again was the right thing to do. Yes, I would be saving my parents lives, but I would never see Ginny, the love of my life again. But I knew, if I did this right, I could not only be saving my mum and dad, but may be stopping Voldemort entirely, and in the past, so he can't hurt anyone I care about.
I looked down at the photos again and realized that none of these would give me the precise moment I need. I needed to go back to that night, about the exact time Voldemort entered my old house in Godric's Hallow. The door opened and Ginny came in, then wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you Harry James Potter," she said and I laid the most passionate kiss on her lips. I had to make the last couple times I kissed her, count.
"I love you too Ginerva Molly Potter," I stated, when we broke it. "So how do you feel about this life?" she asked. "I could get used to it," I smiled and she sat next to me. "What are you doing?" she asked, picking up the photos from the floor in front of me. "Just reminiscing," I stated.
"I can't imagine how much you miss them," she said. "You have no idea," I sighed. "They would have been proud of you, the wizard and man you became. You are so selfless and caring," she said and I took her hand. "Well a perfect man deserves the perfect wife," I stated and she blushed. "I am nowhere near perfect," she stated.
"You are in my eyes. You inspire me. That was why I started using the disorder in the first place. So you could live in peaceful and happy world," I said. "It's killing you," she stated. "It's worth it. Everyone we love is alive now. Cedric, Remus, Tonks, Hermione, and Ron," I said. "Your heart is so big, but you can't die for the world. It needs you. I need you," she said. "I love you Ginny, so much. But I can sacrifice myself and I will," I stated plainly.
Several pops from downstairs interrupted our conversation. "What was that?" she exclaimed, as we stood up. "Stay behind me," I stated and we slowly made our way downstairs. But once, I reached the last step, I was thrown to the ground. They pulled me up and I saw Draco's father, Lucius was holding me.
His wife, Narcissa held a knife to Ginny's throat. "No please. Don't hurt her!" I exclaimed. Lucius smirked and punched me in the stomach. I fell to the floor and took several deep breaths. "We won't hurt her, Potter. But only if you do us one little favor," he removed a photograph from his robes.
It was of the Third task, the maze. "We eventually figured it out. We talked to a doctor, who was secretly working for Voldemort. We explained how you had knowledge of the future and he told us of a disorder. One that allows you to travel back in time, but only for a brief amount of time. We need you to take this photo, return to your fourth year, enter the maze, and allow Voldemort to be reborn," he stated. "I don't know what-" I started, when Narcissa pushed the blade into Ginny's neck. Beads of blood appeared. "Don't play dumb Potter. Your precious wife will die if you don't do this. And we know that this is your last time, so there is no way you can right the wrong, in a sense," he said.
"You promise you won't hurt her," I spoke softly. "You have our word," he stated. "Don't do it, Harry. Our kids need you," Ginny exclaimed. "They need you too," I said and looked at the photo. Little did they know, I was focusing on the frame, not the actual picture itself.
I needed more time. I started to wonder if I really needed a photo. What if I went back, through just focusing on a specific memory. But it was so long ago. Then I remembered the last time I was at Hogwarts.
For the Battle of Hogwarts. During my Potion Master and guardian's last breaths, he gave me some memories. Of those memories was that night. I focused on that specific portion of my memories and let it envelope me. "Come on," I exclaimed, when nothing happened. I focused my concentration deeper and my surroundings began to shutter. Then there was the flash of light.

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