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Draco had rounded up all of my followers, who had all at one point pledged their allegiance to Voldemort, before his death. He told them that the one who located Dennis and brought him to Harry would get an award of One Hundred Galleons. In the mean-time, I had began getting flashes of this life. The most recent of them was me killing Hermione because she had gotten in my way. I didn't understand how that could have happened.
I set out to save her and killed her in the end. But that wasn't me. That was a Harry Potter who felt betrayed by his friends and who had been influenced by the dark lord. I hated the prospect that my heart had been overcome with darkness so quickly, but knowing there was a way to fix all this kept me going. That day, I had invited one of the best Healers who worked for me, over for some tea.
I needed questions answered. The man's name was Carter Trent and was known around the world for his miracles. He knew more about healing than anyone else, which was ironic, because he came over to the dark side. "My lord," he bowed when he arrived. "Carter, thank you for coming," I said.
"Thank you for having me," he nodded. "Well if you will follow me to the dining hall," I stated and lead him through the Right door and into the pantry. We left it through some double doors and took a seat at the mahogany table, in the middle of the room. I snapped my fingers and a house elf, I learned was named Maggie, appeared with a tray of tea and crumpets. "May I?" he asked, reaching for a crumpet.
"Of course," I said and he grabbed one, then took a bite. "Now what can I do for you?" he asked. "First I must ask you to swear to secrecy. If you tell anyone about what you hear in this meeting, I will destroy you," I stated plainly. "Yes of course," he said, paling a bit. "As of late, when I stare at pictures of moments in my life, I've been able to travel back to them," I said.
"Like travel back in time," he asked. "Not quite. It only gives me a few minutes there, but I am able to change certain things," I said. He looked around, making sure no house-elves or people were listening. "I know what it is. It's a disorder called the Hogwarts Effect. I've only dealt with it once. He was a descendant of Ravenclaw. After doing some tests, I realized the disorder was allowing him a full neurological reconstruction," he said. "English please Carter," I said.
"Basically the combination of his magic and the disorder allowed him to change certain points of his life. Then when he returned to reality, his cerebral cortex, otherwise known as the part of the brain that stores memories, it had undergone a complete change," he said. "So what's going to happen to me?" I asked. "Tell me something. Have you been having any headaches, nose bleeds?" he asked. "Both," I stated. "And how many times have you gone back?" he asked.
"Twice," I answered. "A Third time may make this irreversible," he said. "Irreversible?" I questioned. "Scientifically speaking, if you go back again, you'll die. You see, the disorder hasn't taken full effect yet. When it does, your memories will start to go slowly and then your body will start to shut down, then well you will disintegrate," he said. No, it can't be.
If I choose to go back and change time once again, I'll die. But I have to! This world, it's horrible, because of me. Everyone I love is dead, I'm an evil being, and I'm best friends with Draco. I chose to change fate and so it is all my fault. No matter what, I had to fix this. Even if it means my death. "I need to know. When I go back, it is only for a few minutes. Is there a way I can stay longer?" I asked. "Well if you do make the reckless decision of going back again, then to stay there longer, you have to focus on the surroundings of the past. But be warned, if you're there for over 10 minutes, you will die instantly," he said.
10 minutes. I could get what I needed done in 10 minutes. But just in case, I have to be careful.

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