Getting Closer

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  After time, the thunderstorm was getting worse and worse. she looked on her phone, and saw 8% battery, no signal, and it was 3:34 AM. she was worried and had infinite possible outcomes if she goes to the kitchen. She took the first step ...  "AHH SHIT!!!!!" she yelled. She tried not to make so much noise. Then looked down and saw the broken glass,  two inches inside her foot. o:  

  Still have not even gone to the kitchen and already cant walk. She wrapped her foot with her shirt to stop the bleeding. She tried a lot to get back upstairs to her room, to get over the pain, but it was impossible with her injury. She had a choice to stay where she was , head for the living room or the kitchen.

   She decided to go to the living room because she thought that was the safest place. The living room was big and full with furniture. so she crawled towords it and looked for a weapon or something that she could use to hurt somebody. She came out with a rolling chair to move, and a metal baseball bat.

  Later, she was headed for the kitchen with the rolling chair, she used the bat to push herself. She thought in her mind that she was ready for anything that comes in her way. While she was getting closer, the lights were flickering, trying to turn on, but she had no idea what she had coming ..........

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