Chapter 6

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Once I make it to the bar  I am no longer being followed by Mihawk, leaving a weird sense of loneliness behind. 'Get it together Taylor You don't even know him and met the man a few days ago get over it already before all this thinking makes you clumsy ', I am pulled out of my thoughts by Cory telling me I'll be working in the kitchen 'Defiantly not a place to be clumsy probably end up losing a finger '. The orders start flooding in leaving no room to even attempt letting my mind wander a distraction I am grateful for.

I finish work at 9:15 PM I lock up as Cory had to leave early due to being light headed,  before heading home when I see a shadow in the corner of my eye but when I look properly I find nothing there brushing it off as a trick of my eyes from being tired  I walk home with a large amount of paranoia feeling like I'm being watched.

Making it home safely I release a breath I did not realize I was holding and racing around the house locking the doors and windows after checking each room to ensure there is no-one else in the house other than myself. Finally, I give in to the battle of sleep dozing off on the couch and drifting into darkness.

When I open my eyes after what felt like the best sleep in a long time I let out a startled scream finding a pair of honey colored eyes that I have unconsciously grown accustomed to seeing on a day to day basis. Completely calm or maybe even monotone for a better choice in wording, even after my sudden out burst pulling myself together I remember I locked the doors and windows so how could he have got in if he were to break something I would have heard it being the light sleeper I am so how?

" The back door was unlocked" he said answering my unasked question as if he were talking about the weather. Being rude would be wrong seeing as he helped me not once but twice I guess I kind of owe him for that deciding to nod my head in understanding while mentally cursing myself for neglecting one of the most obvious doors in the house, I am just lucky it was someone who doesn't seem to pose a threat to me that entered and not some rapist pervert guy. 

Taking a breath " What do you need mister Mihawk?" I ask in a quiet voice that could easily be heard in the almost silent house. He seems to be considering his wording before answering " I have come to collect you also don't even try to oppose you owe me, due to the fact I am leaving this island today you will be coming with me to repay me for saving your life twice"

'What in the hell just happened?!'

Hey I know it's been a while but finally updated it's not much but guess it's better than nothing :D Thank you to anyone who is still reading this hope you enjoyed the chapter thank you will try to update soon XD

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