Chapter Five: Secrets Unfolded

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I ran down the basement stairs and entered my room to find Alex sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

I skipped over to him and sat down next to him, smiling contently.

“You know what?” Alex thought.

“No,” I replied, resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around him.

“I was thinking about how odd it is that we just met and it feels like we’ve known each other for a years. Is it some kind of connection that we hold? Like a special power that only we have?” he continued.

“You know…” I said, looking at the ceiling, “I think I know why.”

“You do? Then what is it? What’s the answer?” he demanded eagerly.

“Follow me,” I told him, lifting up my head and unwrapping my arms from around him. I stood up and began walking out the door. I began running up the stairs, stopping at the top. I looked down at Alex who was slowly walking up the stairs behind me. “Come on! I know you can go faster than that!”

“It takes time to putt together a puzzle,” he responded, his voice calmed and full of concentration.

 “You don’t need to! I’ll solve it for you! Now come on!” I yelled down the stairs.

I turned around and began to exit the threshold, but a warm hand froze me momentarily in my place.

By now he was up the stairs when he spoke again. “Hey, hey, hey, wait up. I’m the male. It just doesn’t seem right. I’m the one who has to lead! It’s treason I tell you, treason!” He laughed again. “Lets go!”

“Alright!” I yelled in response, holding up my hands as if I did something wrong and was putting the blame on someone else. “Whatever happened to ladies first!” I mumbled under my breath.

“I heard that!” he laughed.

“No you didn’t!” I protested, walking into the living room. Alex was only a few inches away.

A black couch with a red arm chair lined the back wall. A line of bookshelves filled with photos and a few books lined the far right wall. A large TV stood up against the front wall, covering almost half the wall. The other half was filled with another bookshelf lined with the remainder amount of books. A large window was on the left wall that brought in great amounts of light into the large room. A white carpet and yellow orange wallpaper greeted you into the room. A small, green rug was lined against the window with shoes of such for walking outside in.

I skipped over to the window and pulled over the currents.

“Wow,” Alex said in amazement, “Nice room.” He walked over to the photos and picked one up. “What are these?”

“Wha--- hold on a minute!” I yelled, running over to Alex. I looked over his shoulder. “Move!”

He handed me the photo without hesitation and laughed. “I love your humor!”

I just rolled my eyes and walked over to one of the couch and sat down. Alex sat beside me, his hand around my shoulders.

The photo I had was one of my favorites. Two kids were in it. There was white grass on the ground and a red colored sky. Green flowers of some sort popped out of the ground randomly. There was only one reason I loved this photo, and that was for the two kids that looked so happy together, playing in the field of odd weather.

I pointed to the small boy. Black hair, joyful smile, red eyes. “See this boy?” I asked.


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