Chapter 3

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      I slowly opened my eyes and I heard beeping noises. My arm was in a cast and I tried to move my hand and then I groaned in pain. I looked around the room I was in and it looked really big but empty. I scanned through my mind and I remembered what happend. I sighed and closed my eyes and I fell in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I checked the clock beside me. It was 11:23 P.M. I heard someone snoring really quietly and I thought it was my mom. "Hey, mom. I'm okay, you didn't need to come here." I said with my eyes still closed. That's when I opened my eyes and saw a blond haired boy with blue eyes. I realized it was the bully and then I screamed. The bully woke up from my scream and then he got up from his chair he was sleeping and then he came and sat on the bed I was on. That's when I got shocked and ran away from the room. I ran away on a long hallway and the bully was behind me. "Wait!" he said. I kept on running and then he finally caught me when I was outside of the entrance to the hospital. I was struggling trying to get out of his grasp while screaming. But then he sscreamed, "I'M REALLY SORRY!!" I stopped struggling and I looked at him. I thought he was lying because the principal told him to. That's when I saw his face. He looked so sad and he was almost crying. "I-I-I" I said confusedly. "You don't need to say anything, Constance" I smiled when he said my name. "Thanks" I said, "What's your name?" "I'm Jace" he said while lifting me and then carrying me. He carried me back to my room and put me down on my bed. "See you in school later." Jace said. He kissed me on my forehead and that's when I blushed. He smirked and then he gave me a wave and he walked out of the room. I lyed on my bed still thinking about Jace and that's when I realized I had a big, great crush on Jace. I smiled and then I fell into sleep.

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