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Our beloved nonsense story.

10. Alice was Real

She was the daughter of Carroll's boss: Henry Liddell, the dean of Christ Church College at Oxford, where Carroll taught mathematics.

9. China banned the book

The Alice novels were banned in China in 1931, because they believed that 'animals should not use human language'.

8. The Queen's Favor

After reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Queen Victoria asked Carroll to dedicate his next book to her

7. Under ground not Wonderland

Before getting its famous title, the novel was originally called Alice's Adventures Under Ground, but later changed.

6. Alice was interpreted as a Drug User

The book and various films have all been interpreted as making reference to drug abuse, with Alice drinking potions, eating mushrooms and hallucinating as if she were on LSD, all while the world around her changes frighteningly and her mood and perceptions are hugely altered.

5. Manson and Alice

Marilyn Manson's album 'Eat Me, Drink Me' is a direct reference to the cake and potion that Alice had to consume after falling down the rabbit hole.

4. Alice In Wonderland Syndrome

Also known as AIWS, people suffering from these disorder, are stuck in a situation where they see things go larger and big things appear smaller.

3. Alice in Wonderland Films

The known literature has over 30 film adaptations and 20+ tv references

2. Book Symbolism

Some of the book's adventures may have been based on or influenced by people, situations, and buildings in Oxford and at Christ Church. For example, the "Rabbit Hole" might have been inspired by the actual stairs in the back of the main hall in Christ Church. A carving of a griffon and rabbit may have provided inspiration for the tale where Carroll's father was a canon.

1. Carroll's Story

To add the finishing touches to the book, Lewis researched the natural history for the animals presented in the book, and then had the book examined by other children particularly the children of George Macdonald, in order to be pleasing both adult and children. It took him a year to publish the book.

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