Chapter 3: Yo-What?

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On the ride to Nate's house, Danny sat beside Nate in back of the car with the white floaty ghosty thing between them. Danny did his best not to stare at it when they were in the car, but it was difficult to do, especially when it kept on going into his face! At this point, Danny was using pretty much all his will power not to slap the darn thing stilly. If it was one thing he didn't want to do the first day here with this family was to make them think he was crazy for slapping empty air. He just hoped that they were almost at the house to get away from this marshmallow ghost thing and get some sleep. After about a thirteen hour fight without being able to sleep, he was tired.

A few minutes later, the car stopped outside a red house, and Mr. Adams announced, "Here we are Danny! This is where you will be staying for the next ten months. Nate, can you help Danny bring his luggage up to your room?"

"Sure thing Dad," Nate answered with a smile as he opened his side door to get out.

Danny followed suit, grabbed a few of his things and followed Nate inside the house upstairs. As they made their way towards a door at the end of the hallway upstairs, Danny's ghost sense went off again. At seeing this, Danny inwardly groaned, "Can't I go about 5 minutes without my ghost sense going off? It's almost as bad as back home!" he thought to himself annoyed.

"This is my room," Nate stated as he opened the door and set things he was carrying of Danny's down, "Sorry about the mess though."

"That's fine," Danny assured him as he set his luggage down as well. As he looked around the room he noticed the closet opening a bit. From what he saw before it closed got him to ask himself, "Was that a bat in there? That may have been what caused my ghost sense to go off. But it didn't look much like a ghost, although it wouldn't hurt to be too careful. It doesn't seem to be brothering anyone right now, so I'll let it be for the moment." He then turned his attention back to Nate and asked, "So where will I be sleeping?"

''Over there on that cot," Nate pointed out, "I hope you don't mind," but the next thing he knew, Danny was fast asleep on it. Nate blinked a couple of times shocked at how the teen was over there and fast asleep so fast. "I guess he was tired out from the trip more than we thought."

"It appears so," Whisper commented as he floated over to Nate's side.

Just then Jibanyan decided to come out of the closet rubbing his eyes, "Keep it down out here, some of us are trying to sleep."

"Sorry about that Jibanyan," Nate apologize with a small smile, 'We were just getting the exchange student settled in when he decided to fall asleep."

Jibanyan looked over in the area where said boy was still fast asleep. He found himself blinking a couple of times trying to figure out if he was dreaming or not. Was it really him who was fast asleep in the same room as him right now? Not wanting to take a risk of this being a dream, he headed back into the closet as he said, "Night."

Nate just stared at the closet for a moment a bit surprised; he was expecting the red cat to say something else. After looking back over to Danny for a moment, he started wondering what was going through Jibanyan's head when he saw him. Hopefully it wasn't a scheme to snag some Choco bars away from the unknowing teen. Not wanting to think about it anymore, he decided he should get ready for bed himself and figure it out tomorrow.


The next morning, Danny woke up opening his eyes slowly. But the thing that he was not expecting see first thing in the morning, was that marshmallow guy right up in his face. So as anyone else would normally react, he slapped it across the room out of his face as he sat up. From the noise of Whisper being slammed into the wall caused Nate to bolt upright into a sitting position. He looked around the room and noticed Whisper flat up against the wall and Danny looking like he just saw a ghost. "What's all the noise about?" Nate asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

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