Chapter 2: Welcome to Springdale

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It was almost time for school to start and we find Nate rushing to school with his Yo-Kai butler Whisper right behind him "Why didn't you wake me up this morning? You're supposed to be my butler for Pete shakes!"

"I'm sorry Nate, but I did try," Whisper informed him, ''It's not my fault that you're a heavy sleeper."

"You could of splash me with water or something!" Nate stated.

"I did," Whisper told him, "It was the last thing I tried."

"Then you should of done it the first!" Nate growled with annoyance.

Whisper didn't want to argue about something so simple as how to wake his friend up in the morning anymore and tried to think of something else to talk about. As he was thinking, he noticed the school on the horizon, "Look Nate, we're almost there."

"Great, I just hope I get there on time," Nate replied but was still feeling a bit annoyed on how Whisper failed to wake him up on time. Then with a burst of speed he started running a bit faster while thinking, "I hope I don't get a detention for arriving late. I somewhat hope that Yo-Kai keeping them busy though."

Soon he arrived at his home room with a minute to spare. He stood by his desk with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, "That was a close one."

"You're telling me," Whisper commented, "You had about less than a minute to spare."

"No thanks to you!" Nate argued back.

"You should just glad that I got up at all," Whisper retorted.

Before Nate could respond, the school bell rang for first class and a few seconds later Mr. Johnson walked in. He sat a stack of papers that looked like forms on his desk and turned his attention to the class, "Good morning class, today I have some excellent news to share with all of you. Our school in taking put in a student exchange program that will be happening with some other schools in other countries! So I want each one of you to take one of the sheets on desk to fill out whether or not you want exchange with or house one of the students coming here. Now with that settled, let's begin today's lesson!"


Later at lunch Nate and his friends were talking about the student exchange student program, "This sounds so awesome!" Bear exclaimed, "It would be so cool to travel to somewhere different."

"You're telling me," Eddie jumped in, "It would be cool to see how others live differently in other countries."

"I hope I'm allowed to take part in this!" Nate told his friend, "It sounds like a lot of fun." but in his mind he added, ''Plus I may be able to meet many other different kinds of Yo-Kai as well!

"Yeah," Eddie agreed happily, "Plus if I get picked, I may just be lucky enough to travel somewhere with a boatload of video games I never heard of before!"

"Don't forget the many different types of food." Bear added in.

Nate nodded in agreement as Katie came over to gain them, "I'm so excited about this! What about you guy?"

"Same here," Nate replied as he was filled with joy because Katie decided to come and join them, "What are you most excited about for this Katie?"

"Oh, I want to see what the different kinds of culture are like were other people come from," Katie replied with a smile, "I want to see if any part of our different cultures are the same in any way. Plus it would be fun just to travel if I was chosen for it."

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