The Handsome and The Nerd

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      "But I don't want to go to school!" said Constance, "I need to go to a....ummm... a friend's.... pool party?" Constance lied. Constance knew she wouldn't go either way. "You have to go, Constance. You will get new friends and you will learn a lot." her mother said. Constance rolled her eyes thinking her mom is lying to her. In Constance's old school, she was a nerd. She had no friends or anybody to hang out with. "I am never going to survive middle school" Constance thought.

*at school*

       Constance walked through the garden at school seeing many goths, girl girls, bullies, and some good looking guys. Suddenly, she heard a girl screaming behind her. She looked back and saw a bully giving a girl a mega wedgie. The girl was carrying books and she was blond, with glasses, with braces, and frizzy hair.  She could tell she was a nerd. She had to think of something to do to save that girl. Suddenly, she saw a hose, and she had no other way but to spray the hose to the bully. She sprayed the hose to the bully with extreme power and she dropped the girl and yelped with pain. The girl quickly grabbed to books she dropped and she quickly ran away. And I ran away before the bully could do something horrible to me.

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