Chapters 33-43 THE END

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Chapter 33


Braemar Castle, Scotland 1714

The flames at the fireplace flickered like dancing native Americans, and the whole room lit up.

The Earl of Mar's attention had been fixated on the fire and from time to time his portrait above, with his large wide white laced sleeves and raised velvet collar. Without turning he spoke 'I need to tell you the truth about how I feel. The timing is not right for me to intervene.'

'You talk about bad timing and yet the Queen is dead and the Sovereign Lord is giving us the chance to restore the throne. Think of Saint Peter who received a dream from the Lord telling him to start preaching to the non-Jews. The Lord in our day is showing us the throne can be given back to the rightful heir, Holiness be restored and people of Britain can learn to come back to Him and back to the ways of Rome.'

'I admire your passion for Scripture Mr Chapel, but it is too dangerous. I appreciate you bringing Mr Catesby's thoughts to me on the issue present, yet my endeavour is not to get myself in trouble.'

What is holding him back? Mr Chapel wondered, Was he waiting for a more certain victory where he would be in a position to accept it easily? 'Don't you believe in the cause sir?'

'My dear Mr Chapel, I am a cautious man and each step I take must be well considered. Westminster is not what you would call malleable at this time.'

'I do not mean to undermine your opinion on this matter, but I implore you to at least reconsider. Britain is in a short period of transition where it can be remodelled. '

'Mr Catesby and yourself must recall the defeat of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee in 1689 and the lead up to defeat a year later at Cromdale. He had generous support and yet it was unsuccessful.'

'Yes, it feels like yesterday that this happened. Well then, we should come up for those who lost their noble lives.'

'What about less than 10 years ago when the King himself sailed from France with some French support. The English Royal Navy ended up bossing them away. It was a disaster and I don't want to see a repeat of that.'

'You sir are in a position to change all that. After all, you are the Secretary of State and you signed the Act of Union. Your influence cannot be ignored by the parliament.'

'I did have influence on the Queen even, but no good in that now is there, now that she is deceased?'

'You are a negotiator. You negotiated peace in the treaty of Utrecht series. If you can influence borders of the Dutch Republic, the Habsburgs, France and Spain then surely you could change the tide of the English monarchy, even if restoring independence to Scotland is too ambitious. You are a balancer of powers.'

'My fellow diplomacists and I try to create a balance indeed, it is not down to my sole brilliance. Austrian Netherlands is still a work in progress. It all requires patience and that is exactly why I stand by my decision to not join your side yet.'

Mr Chapel bowed to him, 'As you wish sir. Mr Catesby will be pleased to hear you are not against us.'

'Of course I am not against you. Inform him that when the time is ripe I will join.'

'As you say so.'

'Oh, before I forget Mr Chapel I have important business to speak with you.'

'I thought I have done the business already' he said confused.

'If you can apply the virtue of patience in the way I do myself then you will prosper.'

'I am listening.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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