Chapters 20-26

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Chapter 20

Dresden, Germany

Rupert Greenshaw had slept well after his game of pool at the hotel. When he awoke he showered, dressed for breakfast and went to the canteen.

He picked up a tray, chose a warm breakfast with milk, an apple, a kiwi and a coffee and he chose a seat near the window that overlooked the river and tucked in.

He wiped his mouth, walked over to a cushioned seating area to let the food digest, got out his smart glasses and called the reception of the Commissioner of Human Rights, the subdivision of the Council of Europe.

A lady spoke with a French accent 'Commissaire aux Droits de l'Homme. How can I be of service?'

'Hello madam. My name is Rupert Greenshaw. I am doing some investigative work and I would love to know if I can speak to a Mr Benevento. He does statistics.'

'One moment please,' then a brief pause, 'thank you for waiting. I will connect you through now. Have a nice day.

'You too.'

'Mr Benevento. How can I be of assistance?'

'Hi, it's Rupert Greenshaw. You know me from the GHM Department of Research Policy and Cooperation.'

'Ah, indeed. How are you faring?'

'Very well and you?'

'Belissimo, I am doing well. I have a daughter on the way.'

'A daughter? Wow, in how many months?'

'Four months to go but Adalina, my partner, is getting large. You would think the baby is going to arrive any moment now!'      

'Why, I am happy for you. I hope you don't mind me calling off the records.'

'No, please tell me.'

'I was hoping you had some data on Poland.'

'Okay, and what data are you looking for?'

'Rise or decline in anti-semitic based attacks. Additionally, I would like data on anti-semitic cells operating within Poland.'

'Well, this is a bit of a different subject than you are accustomed to asking.'

'As I said it is off the records.' Rupert didn't feel like explaining that he had actually left the GHM.

'No problem. Let me have a look what I can find for you. Un momento.'

Rupert was glad that Mr Benevento was willing to work along with him to provide the information that was officially confidential.

 'Rupert? I am here again. I managed to find the first one, some fresh data on the rise or decline of anti-semitic based attacks. However, we don't have a clear list of cells active in Poland. At least not that I know of.'

'Could you send that data to my new email address?' He told him the address and inquired further, 'Does Mrs Sieminski still work there? She would know something like that?'

'I will send the data to your email. Mrs Sieminski doesn't work here anymore. She moved on to Democratic Governance department 6 months ago.'

'That is a shame.'

'Wait. I know someone who can help. I will send you back to reception and ask for a Mrs Gniadek. That is G-N-I-A-D-E-K.'

'Thank you. You have been of much help. I wish you and your wife all the best with the pregnancy.'

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